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Turkish mechanics

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Yet another reason why Turkey should never be allowed into the EU! What amazes me is how many people in the States seem to believe Turkey should become a member of the EU. However, when I ask, do you think Mexico, or let’s say Guatemala should become the 51st State in the Union they all say - hell no. Well, Guatemala has way more in common with the US than Turkey will ever have with the rest of the Europe. Has nothing to do with racism, has to do with thousands of years of different traditions, and a religion that likes to deal with dissent by chopping the heads off the infidels.
Yes Sahib Kemo Sabe Bwanna Massa. The Avro jet is a like unto a great unwashed pig. We the devout Muslims of Turkey don't want to have to work on such infedel refuse of the sky. A thousand blessings for the absence of this most terrible flying machine, a thousand curses for those who built it. Allah has a special place in hell for the designers of the BAE146, shame, shame. May all their camels be lame, and their daughters get crabs.
Actually I think it's kind of funny...
Yet another reason why Turkey should never be allowed into the EU! What amazes me is how many people in the States seem to believe Turkey should become a member of the EU. However, when I ask, do you think Mexico, or let’s say Guatemala should become the 51st State in the Union they all say - hell no. Well, Guatemala has way more in common with the US than Turkey will ever have with the rest of the Europe. Has nothing to do with racism, has to do with thousands of years of different traditions, and a religion that likes to deal with dissent by chopping the heads off the infidels.

Turkey is a country at war with itself in many ways. It's probably the most progressive of the islamic countries, but there is a significant and dangerous segment of the population that leaning toward the radical islam. Although kept under wraps for many years, it's growing bolder. If it manages to take over, Turkey will slip back into the Dark Age. The good news is the Turkish military simply won't allow that to happen. They are the ultimate guarantors of the ideals of modern Turkey and of Mustafa Kemal Attaturk and have demonstrated several times in the past that there's a line in the sand on radicalism and corruption.

Unfortunately radical islam has an apocalytic view and expectation of the world and they won't be satisfied until there is a worldwide bloodbath. Even more unfortunate is that the moderate muslims in the world sit by and do nothing, either out of tacit approval or fear. And all blame the west for everything.
As an aside, camels get slaughtered here every day...I had camel meat for lunch just a few days ago. Tastes like roast beef, a little stringier, perhaps. It did nothing to change my opinion of the Avro.

Islam, by it's very nature is radical. Adherents love to say that it's the religion of peace, but the Qur-an in some of the first Surah (verses) calls for the death of the unbeliever, or for any who would reject Islam. Islam, by definition, is the worship of Allah as the one true God, and Mohammad as His messenger. Infidelity to Islam, by definition, is unbelief, or refusal to believe, in Islam. The Qur-an is considered perfect, without blemish, and the word of Allah. Under Sharia law, prescribed through the Qur-an, the unbeliever infidel is subject to the "fire of Allah, whose fuel is men and stones."

Sounds radical to me.

In Islam, any who don't speak arabic, or who do not read the Qur-an in arabic, fall to a lesser state; Muslims believe, especially arabic muslims, that the true language of Allah is arabic, that the Qur-an can only be properly understood in arabic, and anything else is a step down.

Under Sharia law, the life of a non-muslim is worth only half of that of a muslim. Says a lot right there. The fact that one of the few crimes always worthy of death is nonbelief or renunciation of one's belief in Islam, also says a lot. Radical, no matter how you slice it.

Having said that, I think one would be hard pressed to suggest that sacrificing a camel, or celebrating by killing a camel, represents extremist or radical activity. It's a traditional thing in this neck of the woods. Ever hear the parable of the prodigal son, and killing the fatted calf? Same concept.
Can I comment as a Turk? :)
Embpic1, do you think that a single incident like this tells you how all the turkish mechanics are? The guy who did this was the person who got hired into the position because of his religious believes. As Draginass mentioned, Turkey is a country of opposites. In some aspect that is what makes that country unique. As he mentioned, the influence of radical islam (which in 80s was used as a weapon against communism) thanks to the petro dollars of Saudi Arabia is slipping the country into more and more radical Islam. As you mentioned military is keeping tabs on this, but at the same time EU doesn't like it.

Myq2u, I have christian and jewish friends in Turkey. In 40 years of my friendship none were chopped , as you put it. As a matter of fact most of my Turkish Jewish friends are the decendents of Spanish Jews that escaped the Spanish atrocities against Jews. They still speak a different language called Ladino.
Turkish people are not as the terrorists of Iraq. As a matter of fact Turkey lost more civilians than Americans in the Iraq war, supporting US troops. But then again, you have an agenda. I cannot give rats ass if Turkey becomes EU member, as we can trade customs free. I know for a fact Turkey is more advanced than Bulgaria and Romania, meets the Maastrich (sp?) criteria more than these countries.
I am used to be hated by Europeans because we are Muslim, by Arabs because we are infedels, by Pakistanis because we have a good partnership with US and Israel. Turkey is a country that a lot of people love to hate, then again it's a country i love to love , despite some shortcomings which many countries have.

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