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Turbo Oil can opener/spout - where to buy?

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2003
Does anyone know where to purchase a metal spout/opener for turbo oil cans? In lieu of that, what else (if anything) besides a regular can opener is there available to open these cans with. :)
Don't use a spout such as we used to have for cars. These are harder to find, harder to keep clean, and stand a chance of putting metal into the can that you won't be able to see.

A standard triangular bottle opener used to make a small triangle opening at two sides of the top of the can (one for pouring, one for ventillation) can be had at any department or hardware store for about ninety-nine cents.

Be sure to thoroughly wipe down the can surface for any dust or contaminates. Turbine oil gets changed far less often, and a turbine engine and turbine oil is far less tolerant than piston engine oil with respect to contamination, and should be treated differently. You're probably aware, but you should avoid mixing brands and certainly never mix types, with turbine oil.
avbug said:
You're probably aware, but you should avoid mixing brands and certainly never mix types, with turbine oil.

Just in case you get suck out on the road. If two diffrent brands meet the same MILSPEC# they are compatible with each other. I wouldn't do it routinely, but it won't hurt anything.

Never, Never, Ever mix piston oil with turbine oil (or the other way round). Very bad things will result.
or you can do what maintenance told me to do. Punch two holes in it with a rusty screwdriver, and pour it through a dirty funnel with no screen.

Hey its only half a million for a PT-6 overhaul.

So I did what I was told. I made sure to spill half of it inside the cowl too.
More good advice except that I keep splattering oil over good shirts, pants, etc. when I do that...

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