Once upon a time an airline pilot decided he 'needed' some fuel injector cleaner and oil treatment for his crash pad car. His brother had given him some of the stuff as the brother worked for one of the larger suppliers of the stuff. Problem - the injector cleaner was 'at home' and the pilot( read cheap MF) wanted the stuff at the other end of the commute. A plan was formed!!! It would be transported via carry on luggage. Hey, if the TSA takes it then it would go to good use in their car. Here's what happened. As the luggage goes through the xray machine - surprise - they need to see inside - OH NO Here it comes..They screener opens the bag, removes the injector cleaner and the oil treatment. Says - AH HA - that's what it was. They saw the curved emblem on my hat that was traveling covertly in my bag! Screener places fuel injector cleaner back in bag - zips it up and says "Have a nice trip". Amazing - Now if it had been a nail file, it would have been confiscated.
Oh, the commuter car runs much better now....or so I am told.....the moral of the story is... Pilots - 1, TSA - 0
Oh, the commuter car runs much better now....or so I am told.....the moral of the story is... Pilots - 1, TSA - 0