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Transport Union

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Jun 29, 2005
Can anyone tell me about the Transport Workers Union? What kind of benefits are gained from the representation, how much are dues, what airlines do they work with?

TWU represents SWA Ramp,Ops and Provisioning agents / AA dispatch and I think also their Rampers (Fleet service) *that is not a total list just the ones I know of.
I was with them when I was in Ground Ops at SWA. Dues were 1.5%.
I thought they did a decent job back then, can't speak for current conditions as I am in a different union now.
Unions are usually only as good as the folks you elect to lead them.
my 0.02
Went to the website, didn't learn a whole lot. Lots of horn-tooting, not much substance. I'll check it again though. Thanks for the input.
We love Management AND the TWU at 9E. We're all working together. It's one big happy family!

Our Management supports us in anything we do (tankering fuel for THEIR benefit, central load control). My company supports me in anything that benefits the company.

We need to stop tankering fuel and pass CLC to the CLC person on duty.

The TWU? Really not sure about that yet. They're there though. I think.
Unions are usually only as good as the folks you elect to lead them.
my 0.02

So far the TWU has been a wonderful thing..............................for the company. They have saved thousands of dollars in our raises and bonuses and were offered a sweetheart deal in the first TA we rejected. As for our leadership, we have no say in who it is. They are appointed by the union president. I really love it when they tell me that even though I would be taking home less money and would have less benifits that I am still better off with them than without them. If your group is looking for a union make sure you ask them ALOT of questions at the initial meetings and nail them down on what they are going to do for the group, or at least try to. Bottom line, they can say anything but once they are in they don't have to deliver and just about takes an act of god to get rid of them.

OK maybe that came off as a little bitter.
Ask the Republic, Chauatuaqua, Shuttle Dispatchers if they are happy with there new contract. I haven't heard anything about it.

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