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Trans States?

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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2001
I see that Trans States is hiring, what is competive time to get an interview? How many are they planing on hiring? what aircraft is JR? how is moral with in the pilot group? and lastly if hired how long is the exspcted sit in the reserve ranks?

thank's in advance O
they're hiring?

Well, interesting news...where did you hear they are hiring? I'll have to check that out..if I hear anything I'll post it!

I hadn't heard they're interviewing yet, but the were supposed to soon. There were recently 10 pilots on furlough and a hiring pool behind them.

The unofficial mins are 500/100, but I'd assume they have more pilots to choose from now, so they can be pickier.

They are getting 14 jets from AAEagle starting next month, and previously had plans for more. They have moved almost all their props from USAir to STL, but did make money recently with their Uprops, so may move some back. They were rumoured to be looking for more ATRs.

They assign pilots to the ERJ, then the rest can bid on the ATR/J41 as needed by the company. The pilots I know that are new like it. The training instructors are up and down. All of mine were great-my freind's weren't good.

Normally reserve lasts about 6 months, but it's highly variable. Just now they're VERY short of pilots.

Yes she is, and the last 10 furloughees were recalled today. I havent heard what they plan on doing with the pool......i have heard it has already been flushed but dont know if that is true. Dec. 2nd is the last class of furloughees so something needs to happen perty soon.
Good Luck...............
Is it Tammy Connley or Connelly? The website still has Eileen Plante as the HR contact. Do you know the correct email/fax/phone #'s to contact the HR dept. Any info to help me get my resume to the in the right pile would be greatly appreciated.

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