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$11.25 per seat mile
Oct 13, 2003
Hey ,
i would like to know something i have a friend who was going to trianing at a regional he finshed the ground part then he had to leave for personal reasons they asked he to sign voluntary resingnation. they told him when his family issue was taken care of he can call them back and see if they had any openings .....yea right they get 2, 7 per class what a joke ..........but we were wondering if he does not want to come back if he interviews with someone else does he have to say that he went to threw this company training course since he did not fail or do a check ride will it still show up in the faa traing records or is this just for failed check ride.
even if he only did the ground portion of the course , because he asked if he interviewed somewhere else if he should say anything because this gives him a chance to maybe go somewhere else he never did the sim just the ground but he might be able to go to another airline for a job this is a good oppurtunity better pay somewhere else what do you think? he wants to do the right thing
Hey ,
i would like to know something i have a friend who was going to trianing at a regional he finshed the ground part then he had to leave for personal reasons they asked he to sign voluntary resingnation. they told him when his family issue was taken care of he can call them back and see if they had any openings .....yea right they get 2, 7 per class what a joke ..........but we were wondering if he does not want to come back if he interviews with someone else does he have to say that he went to threw this company training course since he did not fail or do a check ride will it still show up in the faa traing records or is this just for failed check ride.

First of all, the PRIA only covers the last five years prior to who you are applying with now. With all the hiring that is going on now who cares if someone left before completing training. Pilots with experience can afford to be as choosey as they want to be. Personally I would not waste my time on some airline that was concern about me leaving a job because pay/benefits are better some where else, be it aviation job or non-aviation. Get it a grip. Peace out.
In 1998, we hired a guy who had been fired from ACA back in 1998. He had been in ground school for a week when offered the job at ACA, he took the ACA job. He did not report the time at Zantop in his PIRA form. When the background check came in, his employer before Zantop showed he had left for the job at Zantop. ACA told him after he had been in ground school for three weeks you are fired for a violataion the of the PIRA act. So report everything it is no skin off anyone's nose. The airline has to do all the work. BTW the PIRA act is a joke, if you get the PIRA act back and find this pilot failed 17 ck rides, you can still hire him. But if you don't do the PIRA and you get inspected, you are subject to large fines by the FAA.
This will be my last comments on this subject. I worked at a large regional airline about nine years ago. The pilot improvement act went into affect during my fourth month there. This company would make personal comments to potential employers or disclosed information they should not have through the PRIA. I resigned to take a job else where, during the background check my new company told me my old company said they terminated me for job abandonment. It took me about two weeks to straighten the problem out with human resources. I retained a lawyer and was in the process suing their a$$ when they decided they made a mistake and was going to fixed the problem. I was already an employee with the new company when this unfortunate problem was solved. I interviewed and got the job with a second company eight months later, and received a copy of the backgroung check in writing, and it better not had been wrong.

The moral of the story boys and girls is to get copies of all background checks, PRIA'S, and anything else relevant. You have some employers that try to miss use this information to get back at former employees.

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