I may be mistaken, but I think you must enter UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) before turning 26 1/2 years old. I could be off a year or so on the age, but if my memory serves me correctly, 26 1/2 is/was the magic number.
Must enter UPT by 30. It may be waiverable, I don't know. However I've heard the AF isn't to hot on Lasik. I'm not certain of this but I remember hearing PRK was more favorable than lasik. I'm sure there are others on here that could answer this better than I.
However I know it's not 26.5 because they would have already told me to walk. I'm entering AFROTC (hoping for a pilot slot) and will be commsioned at 27.
As Chaw said, LASIK is a disqualifier right now for pilots. Also, Air Guard medical restrictions are nearly identical to the USAF and while LASIK is not an option, PRK is. I suppose the surgeon general could waiver anything but I think you will be hard pressed to find any instance of such an occurance (LASIK waiver) in the USAF/ANG. I've never heard of one and I don't know anyone who has.
Citation, unless you're stuck on fixed wing, you might try gathering more info on the Army's rotary programs. I've heard that there are LASIK possiblities there. Also, I think their age restrictions are different. Keep in mind that these are things I have read and not confirmed. Check out the forum at www.baseops.net and try looking up WOCS info on the Army's site. Better yet, get ahold of someone at Rucker (I think that's where they have helo training) regarding the ages and vision requirements.
Air guard is 28. Waivers through 35, possible yet very hard to come by. I've heard that enlisted flight crew and mechs who qualify through the wing get the waviers as opposed to guys off the street. But anything is possible, somewhere someone needs a qaulified guy/girl. These guard wings pretty much hire solely on personality so good luck.
Here is the policy regarding the lasik and/or other AF eye surgery. These links should also give you an inside look at what happens to your physical when it goes to the AF SG and their current "Lasik" policy:
As for your age, I would say that you need to know someone in a guard unit that will not only hire you but be willing to put in for a waiver for you, you have a tough road ahead of you if you want to pursue this. I think your Lasik may be disqualifying anyway.
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