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To Interview or not?

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$11.25 per seat mile
Oct 13, 2003
I have an opportunity to interview with a regional soon and I need some advice. I am currently working as a Flight instructor at a University (nooo not ERAU!!) and making decent money but I want to eventually work for an airline. With all the mergers and Bankruptcies that will more than likely effect the "Regional" level should I wait or take the chance?

I am thinking either wait a year and see where things are or apply now and try to get on and ride it out.

Thanks in advance.
Interview...you can turn the job down if you don't want it and the experience of getting that first 121 interview out of your nerves will help.

Network in your local area. Any freight outfits? How about corporate? Take a look at them. What's the upgrade time? You need to get turbine pic if you want a good job.

Bottom line? Stay in school, get an engineering degree (or some other degree-dentist, sex therapist ;) or whatthefrackever) and get a job that you can tolerate and that will support your flying habit...airplanes are worse than crack and only slightly less disreputable anymore...I defy you to find a happy passenger! But I digress...

That way sometime (should you be successful) you will be able to look outside over your morning coffee and think to yourself "it's a nice day to go flying" and you can drive out to the airport (or walk to your hanger in the airpark if you do really well) and kick the tires on your flying machine and go for a flight that you will enjoy. Rather than the alarm clock wakening you at some ungodly early (or late) hour when the sensible birds are still cozy in their nests because they know that no fracking worms are about yet!

The other option is to go to a regional hoping to get a job with a major that used to have a defined benifit retirement and a respectable payscale (along with about 100,000 other dufuses) and end up bumping through buyouts, furloughs, going back to the bottom of seniority lists at maybe $30,000/yr and so on...

Your choice...

Whatever you do do not fall into the trap of thinking that a shiney new jet is the key to your future...it's not. You will become a slave to sked, a pawn of crooks and any choice you make will be subject to endless scrutiny-either by you (I should have been a dentist) or by some gate agent, homosexual FA, management, NTSB armchair quarterbacks and/or the union prostandards board.
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