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To all disgruntled Frac pilots NJ, FO, etc...

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Flexjet and Dang proud
Aug 8, 2004
Posted this in the TA post, but it quickly got buried, so I gotta ask this again....


Im all for the fight y'all are wagin' for your wages.

Can't help but say this. If you are unhappy with your job, what yer being paid for what you do, and the job conditions... why not look elsewhere in the industry for a better job?

Airjobs digest has a bunch of jobs posted for corporate pilots, and I gar-own-darn-tee you they pay WAY better than what the FO's are makin' right now at Net jets.

Why not lift yourself up and look out there to see what alternatives are available?

I know y'all have already thought of this and are prolly holdin' on to get a better package. But think of all the lost earnings that go by for every day you don't have that better payin job.

Anyway, good luck in your "war on terrible pay."[/
I can't speak for other frac pilots but at NJA we are required to negotiate our contract (workrules, salary, etc.) whenever the current contract becomes ammendable. That's what we are doing.
If one doesn't want to negotiate, feels the wait is too long, or thinks our chances are hopeless, then I agree they should look elsewhere.

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