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Thoughts about Jet Source at Palomar, CA?

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2006
I have conducted a search and I have seen some mixed reviews about Jet Source out of Palomar (near San Diego). I noted that they added some new airplanes recently including a CJ3 (nice airplane I have heard). Anyone have more recent info on conditions there - QOL, schedule (days off) and likely starting salary IF positions were to open up?

Also, where would most Jet Source pilots live? It is super-expensive out there in Northern San Diego... No way you could afford anywhere within 30 minutes (even 1 hour is pushing it). I suppose Temucla could work.

Thanks for any up-to-date impressions - you can always PM me too if necessary.
From what I hear they pay...

From what I hear they pay for trailer trash...hold it...that is terrible for my to ridicule trailer trash that way. I am sorry too all those offended by such a remark....

I did some training with a group (in a CE-500) with my (then) VA monies not too long ago. I overheard some of the pay scales (for the airport and Jet Source) and about fell out of my seat.

And, yes it is very expensive in the area all the way out to 1 and a half hours of driving from what I am told.

Good Luck. I believe the CJ3 is a very good machine. Though I have no personal experience in one.
I second that, have not heard too many good things about JS. 24/7 on call, good luck getting hard days off, and pay isn't exactly up to SD living standards... then again, what is?
CFI4LIFE said:
I second that, have not heard too many good things about JS. 24/7 on call, good luck getting hard days off, and pay isn't exactly up to SD living standards... then again, what is?
they do have really good cookies though.
I take back everything I said! Mmmmm... cookies.... mmmmm

**And I'm not trying to rag on JS, just passing along second hand info from some friends that work there, its just MY impression of the operation**

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