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This why AStar fights for their jobs

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Fly Astar Jets

Fly ATI Jets
Apr 8, 2005
If we can affect one person to feel and react this way, how many have our voices touched that we don't know about. Please read.


Wilmington News Journal story

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]UPS engineer joins picketing, quits[/FONT][FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]


[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]Friday, July 25, 2008[/FONT]


[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]When employees conduct informational picketing, they hope to raise public awareness of their workplace problems and send a message to the employer.[/FONT]
[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]But a Thursday march involving about 50 ASTAR Air Cargo pilots outside UPS’s Atlanta headquarters reached different eyes: A UPS software engineer on lunch decided to join the protest and, after leaving the picket line, resigned on the spot when approached back at work by two security workers and two Human Resources staffers.[/FONT]
[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]Tony Bordoli said by phone Friday he came upon the picketing while walking with a friend, and was touched when he saw a big sign on a vehicle that said the proposed UPS-DHL deal could devastate 10,000 families.[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“It affected me and there was something I knew that I could do about it, so I did. And I took a stance against an unethical action by my company. It’s probably not going to change things. I know I’m one person but it may slow it down,” Bordoli mused.[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]Bordoli said his work was not related to the proposed contract, but that as a UPS software engineer in a financial office, he created programs that produced detailed analysis reports regarding which workers should have their hours cut.[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“I just felt I was really being used as a tool to devastate families and communities, and it was just simple. I mean, how could I not put the two together? I’m not going to be used as a tool to devastate families and communities anymore. I can’t conscientiously be a part of that,” said the 36-year-old Bordoli, who had worked at UPS for 10-plus years.[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“In a way, the picketing indirectly woke me up,” he feels.[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]He had been working on his current project for the past four months, said Bordoli, and had gotten to the “second plot point, if you will.” [/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“It’s a big burden off my mind and off my back,” he said Friday concerning his decision to quit UPS. “Because I was feeling very conflicted with this particular project to begin with.” [/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]On Thursday evening, after joining the ranks of the unemployed, Bordoli did some research on the DHL-UPS deal and about the picketing ASTAR pilots in an attempt “to get more educated in what exactly I had chosen to do,” he chuckled. [/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“And that’s when I was reassured that I was making the right decision,” he said. [/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“This was by no means premeditated. I just went by my conscience when I saw the picketing, and the information of the families being devastated. It dawned on me that what I was doing by my actions, you know by my involvement, I wasn’t that far from that, you understand.” [/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]Bordoli said it may sound like a rash act and he admitted he did “get a little harshness this morning from my father.”[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“This time, I’ll pick a better company,” Bordoli said. “One that actually exercises proper social responsibility.”[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]When he joined the picketing with the pilots, all in their pilots uniform, the picketers started asking him who he worked for?[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“I said UPS, and everyone, it was like a cheer moment,” he said.[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]Later he told Human Resources staff and security in the stairwell that he was tendering his resignation, and let fall his UPS identification badge to the floor in protest.[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]“I wish the cause well, because I have a family. You know, my family won’t be devastated from this because in the Atlanta area, I have marketable enough skills to quickly recover. So, I’m not worried about myself in particular. But I know things in our breadbasket up in Ohio, those guys are going through a lot more than I am. I’m actually fortunate,” said Bordoli. [/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]UPS spokesman Norman Black said Friday it is company policy not to publicly discuss individual personnel matters.[/FONT]
I'm speechless. Good for him. I wonder if Big Ole Beer Belly could do something like this. :) Just Kidding.

hello, i just spent an afternoon at the Cincinnati Reds Great American Ball Park and was disgusted to see not only DHL signs BUT a 30 second DHL delivery spoof of the reds getting the game ball to play, delivered via DHL. I wanted to spend some time NOT thinking about what DHL has done to my family, dreams and goals yet to be reminded of their corporate BS while at GABP. Anyone know how to apply pressure to remove all DHL marketing from the Reds facility? Especially in Cincinnati?
Heh, good luck with that. The people running those stadiums are such commercial floozies that they'll put up a banner for anyone who ponies up the cash.

Excellent idea though.
hello, i just spent an afternoon at the Cincinnati Reds Great American Ball Park and was disgusted to see not only DHL signs BUT a 30 second DHL delivery spoof of the reds getting the game ball to play, delivered via DHL. I wanted to spend some time NOT thinking about what DHL has done to my family, dreams and goals yet to be reminded of their corporate BS while at GABP. Anyone know how to apply pressure to remove all DHL marketing from the Reds facility? Especially in Cincinnati?

http://cincinnati.reds.mlb.com/help...&secondarySubject=Other&[email protected]

The advertising is done by some company in NY, so that will not do any good. There is a mailing address for the Reds and phone number on the bottom of the on-line form.

Someone brought this up about a month ago. I do not know why a flood of letters to the Reds were not dropped then. 10,000 families is a huge number and more than 10 are Reds fans. But I would like to point out how DHL is no longer and American company, supporting baseball. Budweiser is no longer American. Next thing you know apple pie will be a Middle Eastern food. :eek: :laugh:
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Anyone know how to apply pressure to remove all DHL marketing from the Reds facility? Especially in Cincinnati?


They make big bucks for letting DHL place their marketing there. The only way they're going to refuse advertising is if they know it's costing them more dollars in ticket sales than they're making in advertising revenue. If you can get about 10,000 or so other baseball fans to join you, they'll probably drop DHL as sponsors.

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