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I just came out from the Mothership in CMH........ran into a bunch of guys checking into the hotel setting up for interviews for tomorrow....man...the rumors are flying left and right....Where are these guys getting some of this stuff. I spent aboutan hour just answering basic questions and I stressed that the contract isn't done so NO ONE can give you definates on any of those topics.

Looks like the hiring is going hot and heavy.....the race is on....(again)
Nightmare67 said:
The word from our MEC is those FO's currently on captain/by-pass pay will be grand fathered in the new contract. However, each FO on by pass pay will have to have a standing bid for captain. As each captain bid comes out, these FO's will be awarded captain in seniority order. If they decline, they revert to FO pay.
For those of you here to find out information about what it is like to work here at NetJets, I caution taking information like the paragraph above to heart. People like this try to speak from a position of having some inside scoop that nobody else has. Notice how this "magic source" is never revealed. Also worth mentioning is the fact that many of these tidbits that presumably came straight out of the CEO's mouth never come true.

If you want to find out what it is like at NJA, go sit in the FBO at places like TEB, PBI, ASE, or HPN, and talk to the pilots coming in the door. Relying on an anonymous web based message board for quality information is begging to be mislead.
Yes, Mephisto you are correct. So from a current Netjets pilot to all....IT SUCKS HERE. :)

There...the truth is out.

PS: I know Mephisto will now do his best to DEFEND Netjets. LOLOLOLOL
All Fractional Suck

NJA just sucks the worst. I came here with an expectation. Quickly found out that I can expect anything, don't mean I'm a' gonna get what I expect. I expected a new contract by now:: NOT!!!!
Kingtut is right. Now for those looking to come to Nutjets, it's not even a good place to BUILD PIC TURBINE time and move on anymore. FO's aren't upgrading quickly anymore and I can't even guess as to when the next junior FO will get his/her opportunity to move to the left seat...so DON'T come here based on building PIC TURBINE TIME or what you THINK will be in the next contract. Bottom line is you need to listen to the Nutjet detractors and the pro-Nutjet pilots and understand that the "truth" will be somewhere in between for you depending on your individual circumstance. Some people don't mind working for NOTHING. If this is you, COME ON OVER !!!

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