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The RTA board ?

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Aspiring to be

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2002
All of this talk concerning a union can be found at

http://pub97.ezboard.com/brtapilots .

The pilots at FLOPS that are doing 95% of the anti-union post are a very few extremely pro management pilots (?).

The depositions and other evidence posted on that board give more than enough information that there can be no doubt as to the guilt of the management of FLOPS and RTA that illegally terminated some pilots. Pilots that were only acting within their rights as stated in the RLA. Management that acted in an illegal manner are supported by these pilots (?).

One pilot was Fleet Manager at RTA and then program manager at FLOPS was terminated after he gave his deposition in the illegally termination due to some alleged bad paper work. He was not removed from his job as Program Manager he was terminated. This looks like intimidation as well as retaliation. The pilots of FLOPS have been silent.

The high level of intimidations that the Chief Pilot of FLOPS admitted to on his voice mail to all the pilots, having programs that encouraged pilots to rat-out each other in the hopes of gaining favor with management are but two of the many problems at FLOPS.

Those at FLOPS that speak the loudest against a union and the IBT are able to overlook and excuse their management that can, will and has terminated those without just cause. They overlook the fact the rights of there fellow pilots were violated for the laudable purpose of trying to obtain a contract. A contract that would be control by the membership through their vote and support.

I believe that the weakness of any union, the corruption of any union is the results of a poor MEC and bad support from the members. If the MEC is not doing the job then replace them. Yes, the union will have advisors to aid in many areas and contract negotiations and enforcement are the main thrust of those advisors but the control remains with the MEC and the members.

These anti-union pilots at FLOPS on many occasions accuse the IBT of even abusing family members. Pilots like these that try to spread such lies about a union are hard to understand. I do not believe the first pilot at NJ has ever had any strong-armed tactics used against them or their family.

As one poster said on this board if the MEC (translated to membership) at NJ just wanted a contract they would have signed one a long time ago. I do believe that the contract at NJ is being completely rewritten and not just a few lines modified to show a little increase. In the best of times this takes time to complete, we have not been in the best of times for aviation since 9/11.

I know of not the first airline that has been in business for several years, in the free world, that does not have a union. Pilots are not ignorant of the need and purpose of a union. Pilots are probably the most educated, experienced, trained and checked group of people to belong to a union. Why would such a group be overwhelmingly supportive of a union? A pilots union should not be like other unions because I believe the caliber, background, education and training of the average pilot is above that of other union members.

A union is not the answer to all problems but a union does guarantee you protection from management that will terminate your job, your career, your benefits, your working conditions, intimidations, programs that are a benefit to you and your family and the protection of your rights with only the bottom line as their concern.

It is stated in Mr. Ricci’s deposition that FLOPS hired pilots that fit a certain profile and would adapt to his culture and I am sorry to say that it does appear true. Not because they have not decided, the union issues but because they accept and even support the wrong of management and do nothing to correct that wrong. They have a way now and that is by sending in their cards and then voting to have elected representation with a binding and enforceable contract.
Funny how you pop up when the cards go out? Your “friend” call you today to give you your instructions on what to post?

Keep up the good work Merlin....
Why should any pilot at Flight Options even consider the Teamsters when they have yet to demonstrate their ability even to negotiate their first contract with Netjets and don't seem any closer after more than two years of trying? Nothing I've seen at Flight Options justifies the kind of damage that can cause a company in the long run. Maybe if I saw an actual indication of discontent on the line, but I haven't seen any of that.
But don't let

the pro union ranting and raving by the extremsit (Merlin, Aspiring, Tumlin) and their questionable tactics change the fact that Options pilots have no protection or recourse against unreasonable or unfair conditions/situations. Myself, when I read the hard-line union posts, sounds kinda like a socialist manefesto... workers of the world unite ;) I don't really give a hoot about the court cases and dispositions and charges of intimidation, and all that stuff that is happening in the upper management (I'm sure that statement will earn a rant from some of the hard-liners). But I am concerned, based on my experience of the last couple of years, with the direction of the company in relation to the pilots. I am tired of being on the tip of the spear, getting paid peanuts compared to my responsibility, and being treated as a glorified limo driver by the rest of the company (the CEO, Owner Services, Maintenance, Scheduling, Dispatch, you name 'em). No one wants to hear that the emperor has no clothes and if I question anything, it's seen as whining. "Just shut up and fly the plane, you poor dumb pilots just don't get it". To those that would say, "just be lucky you have a job" I say I am happy that I have a job and want FLOPS, and the entire fractional industry, to prosper. But that doesn't mean we should accept sub-par treatment and work for nothing, that kind of "just be lucky" attitude will keep us underpaid and under appreciated. If you haven't heard or seen any discontent on the line, it's because most of us, unless we are talking to someone we know and trust very well, will not take a hard stand on any issue less we be "branded" pro union and face retalliation by the company, or anti union and face retalliation by union organizers (fellow pilots) if and when a union becomes a reality.
"I don't really give a hoot about the court cases and dispositions and charges of intimidation, and all that stuff that is happening in the upper management (I'm sure that statement will earn a rant from some of the hardiners).__________________________________________

I really do not understand how anyone can say they do not give a hoot when people rights were violated. People have lost their jobs and to some extent their ability to get another job due to the fact they were terminated. Your fellow pilots and their families have suffered for only doing what they had the right to do. They, rather you agree of not, were only trying to improve the job by having a contract that would protect all against intimidation, unfair and unequal benefits, termination without recourse, etc. The management broke the law as written in the RLA. It is people like you that only give a hoot when you are directly affected that are in my opinion without principle. Why is it so hard to understand that if someone’s rights were violated your rights were violated or at least compromised. To feel as you do is not an understandable position. I care not about your feelings for or against a union but I am concern for your lack of concern for the rights we have in this country guarantee under the law.

When a union becomes reality at FLOPS no one, let me say that again, no one will know how you voted. Everyone will be sent a card and the NLB will certify the envelope to be eligible and then the voting card will be removed and absolutely no one will know how you voted. Your company management has demonstrated that retaliation is real. You know that the Program manager was terminated; you know that the pilots of FLOPS are afraid to speak their mind. Fear, intimidation and compromise are things that pilots should not be confronted with. What rights and who must be violated before you will become concerned.
Coyote=genius, NO WAY!!

Well genius you are not Coyote.

“Why should any pilot at Flight Options even consider the Teamsters when they have yet to demonstrate their ability even to negotiate their first contract with Netjets and don't seem any closer after more than two years of trying”

The Netjets pilots are working under a contract. No the pay is not good but they do have many protections that you do not. Their contract is being amended but is still enforceable. How do you know how close they are to a new contract? From what I have read, many items have been agreed too in principle. Tell us wise one what is your source of information. Where does all of your knowledge come from? Are you a member of the MEC at NJ?

Are you really content with the actions of the management at FLOPS, with the violation of the RLA and the rights of the pilots terminated? Do not tell me that you do not care and that it is not proven. Read the deposition and tell me you think the pilots in question were terminated with cause. Of course, with your genius status you might be able to see things that normal reasonable people cannot. If you read the depositions and agree with what management did then please state your reasons.

I do not believe you can see the forest for the trees. If you are not discontented with the illegally termination of the union supporters, the very questionable termination of the program manager after his deposition proved very damaging to the company, the intimidation problem admitted to by your chief pilot, programs such as the SFO that are not only a form of intimidation but also cause the weak among you to go to management with your accusation against your fellow pilots, the lack of recourse if your rights are violated, the changing of your benefits without any input, etc then you would be happy in a bucket of ____ .

I do think a name change from Genius to moron might be in order.


The Teamsters organized Executive Jet Aviation (now NetJets) in 1973. They represent the pilots, mechanics and the cleaning crews. The contract being worked on now will be MY third and I've only been with the company 6 years. Are we still grossly underpaid? ABSOLUTELY! Thankfully, however, we at least have some control over our destiny. I have friends at both Flex and Floptions. I wouldn't trade places with them for a second. Sure they make a bit more money (not alot) but they work more days and have less job security.

I'm 100% "on board" with my union and am very confident that they will negotiate a great contract for us. I would encourage everyone at the other fractionals to join us and send in your union cards. Together we can make this a great career industry.

PS Ask some of your airline acquaintances if negotiating 2 or 3 years for a good contract is very unusual.
yeah, whatever.

So you are the great crusader of rights, Aspiring, good for you. Just as I predicted, some holier than thou, head in the clouds, great defender of the workers decided to take me to task for how I've come to the decision that organizing may be best. Sounds like more socialistic BS to me. Maybe that's why so much union money goes to the campaigns of Democrats.

"I really do not understand how anyone can say they do not give a hoot when people rights were violated."__________________

Well, understand it ok, its a big world out there, with lots of different viewpoints. The fact is that I don't care about EVERYONES rights nor do I choose to take a position on many issues where people claim to have rights. There are some I am/have been willing to fight for but I am not some rightous defender of the opressed, ready to jump in and lend a hand and voice every time someone claims their rights have been violated.

"I care not about your feelings for or against a union but I am concern for your lack of concern for the rights we have in this country guarantee under the law."______________________

Oh, my lack of concern huh? Geeze, I really feel bad that you are concerned about my lack of concern, I must really be a bad person Just to let you know, slick, I spent 20+ years protect and defend our rights of our Constitution ... not just for those folks that held my opinions, but for everyone. I didn't just sit back and engage in philisophical discussions and pontificate about how to fix the world.

"When a union becomes reality at FLOPS no one, let me say that again, no one will know how you voted."___________________

Yeah, sure once there is a vote. But it guys like you that make folks hesitant to voice their opinions/opposition to fellow pilots. Hell, I support a union and you're arguing with me because my reasons aren't pure enough.

On second thought, maybe it wold be better if there weren't a union if it means that I must act as some mindless robot, believing only what the union would have me believe and only voicing the "party" line.
Flyr4hire I agree totally. Its people like aspiring that just convinces me that a union is a waste of time and "my" money.

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