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"the Path To 9/11"

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
I think more than ever there needs to be racial profiling. Send the rag head *&#(*(&%!!!! back. Lock the borders!

I got so pissed watching the movie, seeing how many attempts the government had to get osama. Clinton admin. was so F*CK*D up!
haulingthemail said:
I think more than ever there needs to be racial profiling. Send the rag head *&#(*(&%!!!! back. Lock the borders!

I got so pissed watching the movie, seeing how many attempts the government had to get osama. Clinton admin. was so F*CK*D up!

Funny though, the TSA has their "profilers" out there profling the "suspicous" ones. Well, we do need to be politically correct even though I am sure that the TSA cant really define "suspicious." Just another attempt to make us all at ease. That and seeing that we are constantly reminded that our threat level is at "orange", this prompts the TSA to pull people over at the gate for the extra search there as well. I think it's too funny watching the folks who check our ID at the beginning of the security checkpoint as they study our ID's and then make an "official" mark on our boarding pass with either a pen or pencil.....followed by a TSA representative writing their initials as well on our boarding passes.....I think this silly and yet official documentation gives us the false perception that we are safer now then ever.

Profiling mean pulling over a certain ethnic group of people....period. You either profile or you dont. None of this half a$$ "profiling" that the TSA does today. Why punish the majority of us who have to fly the airlines as a result of the very few people who we know have consistently caused problems as it relates to terrorist activities? Why not inconvenience them? Sure, there are plenty of good Muslim people out there and the minority of Muslims are giving the majority a bad name. But how are we to tell the difference from good and evil? Last but not least, how many more 911's can we afford or is it going to take before we realize that perhaps we do need to profile?
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