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The Other Shuttle America Employees

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May 29, 2003
Maybe I have no right to post something on here, but what the

I am completely on the side of the pilots, but what we all want to know is Wexford going to offer us positions within Chautauqua or Republic (I shudder to think), if they should decide to close Shuttle.

I am not talking about upper management, but us low lives in crew scheduling, dispatch, maintenance and corporate side of the building.

We have all worked hard for Wexford to make us a successful airline...how many times were we number 1 Express carrier ontime performance in PIT out of all the express carriers. And we are all still doing one h@#$ of a job.

So, if anyone from Wexford or Shuttle management is reading this, please remember we worked hard for you, so just do not leave us all out in the cold, if it should happen
With what Wexford proposed to Shuttle, I don't think they give a rats arse about it's employee's or they would continue to negotiate.
Hang tough folks... You can't even imagine the stuff Comair managmement pulled when we were on strike. They extended the other workers paychecks two weeks under the condition that they protested outside the hotel where we were meeting. Holding signs saying, "we have families too", etc etc. Remember that even though these workers are part of the team and work hard to make the airline succeed, they get paid for ALL their time at work, not just flight time and they get to go home EVERY night not spend X-mas day in some dump hotel in GRB or SBN. Flightcrews (pilots and FAs) get used and abused like no other workforce.

Wish you luck in your fight. It's your fight, that no matter what you say the other employees will never understand. They see as as seagulls... all we do is walk around squacking and crapping on things and you have to throw rocks at us to get us to fly.

BTW: Our flight attendants supported our strike 100%.

Any pilot can fly an airplane, it takes a really good pilot to get out of flying an airplane.
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