thanks to those who helped. The jet experience at this point, I think would be the way to go. The turbine Pic will come with time.
Either a lateral move early on, or remain with the company until upgrade, if bearable. But most things in life are justifiable, so any of those jobs, if landed, would be a good thing for now. As far as the metro time, yea I paid for it, and I paid dearly(hopefully one of those justifiable things) But you know what? I wouldn't be on this forum asking peoples advice on WHICH job to take had it not been for my metro experience. Paying for quality flight experience takes an appointment with a mirror, however, its an avenue out of the old "chicken and egg" analogy. Sometimes you got to put your money where your mouth is and MAKE things happen when times are tough and time is of the essence. Money is a mere tool. I'm curious about other peoples opinions on that subject as well as any other advice on career development
Either a lateral move early on, or remain with the company until upgrade, if bearable. But most things in life are justifiable, so any of those jobs, if landed, would be a good thing for now. As far as the metro time, yea I paid for it, and I paid dearly(hopefully one of those justifiable things) But you know what? I wouldn't be on this forum asking peoples advice on WHICH job to take had it not been for my metro experience. Paying for quality flight experience takes an appointment with a mirror, however, its an avenue out of the old "chicken and egg" analogy. Sometimes you got to put your money where your mouth is and MAKE things happen when times are tough and time is of the essence. Money is a mere tool. I'm curious about other peoples opinions on that subject as well as any other advice on career development