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Texas Pipeline Patrols

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Apr 11, 2006
I am looking for a pipline job.

I have heard of a pipeline patrol company out of NW Regional in North Texas. Anybody know the name?

Also, names or information on any other Texas Pipeline Patrol operators would be helpful.

Thank you.
Texas Aerial Inspections flys out of NW Regional. I worked for them a few years ago. Cool company, but very "mom and pops". When I left they had a 750 hr total time minimum for insurance. No clue what it is now. Since I left they have a new owner.
If you really only have about 350 hours you need to go check out Barr Air Patrol at Mesquite. They will hire you as an observer and you can get a lot of flying in. It's a very good company run by some pretty good folks. Well worth checking them out.

You wont get that many hours of actual flight time being an observer, just alot of hours riding along. I've heard lot of bad things about Barr's maintainance, from both current and former pilots.

As far as Texas Aerial Insections is concerned, it USED to be a good company back when Bill Haudel owned it. I have met the present owner personally, and have had dealings with him. Judging by the contact I have had with the man, I wouldnt trust him as far as I can throw him. I've been in the aerial patrol business for several years now as a pipeline pilot, and I also know enough about the business end of things to know when someone is full of $hit, and believe me, he is. That's all I'll say about him, unless you want to PM me.

Flyinag02, where are you located in Texas? I fly a pretty long patrol route down there on Tuesdays (Cushing, OK to Navasota, TX, back to Duncan, OK).
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agpilot34 said:
You wont get that many hours of actual flight time being an observer, just alot of hours riding along. I've heard lot of bad things about Barr's maintainance, from both current and former pilots.

As far as Texas Aerial Insections is concerned, it USED to be a good company back when Bill Haudel owned it. I have met the present owner personally, and have had dealings with him. Judging by the contact I have had with the man, I wouldnt trust him as far as I can throw him. I've been in the aerial patrol business for several years now as a pipeline pilot, and I also know enough about the business end of things to know when someone is full of $hit, and believe me, he is. That's all I'll say about him, unless you want to PM me.

Flyinag02, where are you located in Texas? I fly a pretty long patrol route down there on Tuesdays (Cushing, OK to Navasota, TX, back to Duncan, OK).

Yeah, I'll second that, Bill Howdle was a super good guy. The new guy, Frank Howell, I dont know much about him. I do know they have had a hard time keeping pilots and keeping the payroll checks from bouncing.

Good luck, Pipeline flying was some of the most fun I ever had...
Speaking of pipeline flying, A good friend of mine works in the oil fields at Andrews TX and says he sees patrol airplanes nearly every day. He said I ought to look into doing that or atleast get some information on it. So if anyone has any info to pass along on patrol operations that operate around the TX panhandle/west TX I'd surely appreciate it. Mainly looking to see if there are any part time possibilities out there as I have a pretty good job flying for my family's aerial spraying business but it is slow sometimes and we do very very little in the winter. Also, you ag guys out there, do yall have any other ideas on winter/ slow time flying jobs that fit well with the spraying? PM me if need be. Any advice is appreciated
AgPilot - I am living just 30 mins outside of Andrews TX. I'll ask around and see if I can find any info for you.
I made 10 bucks an hour to start then was up to a whopping 14 an hour when I left. I have heard of some people making alot more though.

Texas Aerial had several contracts in west texas and in the pan handle, but might not now...
10 bucks!!!?? Damn, that's pitiful! I make three times that, but I fly my @ss off, too. Guess it just depends on how much the company values it's pilots.

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