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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2002
To Islandflyer and Asspiring -

I recieved my card last week and was holding on to it till I see what happens with Options and the task force but after reading the post you Teamster folks have posted here on a public forum and blown everything out of proportion with no insight except for your own, I don't care if Options starts firing every other pilot just for the he## of it, I'll take my chances with Options.

Islandflyer, writing a book? What a f'n joke!! You two are the best the Teamsters have? How dissapointing!!
If you are what represents the teamsters, I do not want anything! You are so full of BS and want to do nothing but cause trouble and that only confirms the rumors about the teamsters. You even lie about why you are on this board! It's so obvious. As far as maint. at Options, I have had nothing but great service from Options Maint. in the last three years. If it's broke it's down and we don't fly. They have never pushed me.
island lier...

you're like a junky looking for a hit,
"ooh, ooh maintenance controllers... anyone gtot maintenance controllers...ooh I need maintenance controllers.... come on someone has to have maintenance controllers.... Hi hows the weather? DO YOU HAVE MAINTENANCE CONTROLLERS? Cccccccome on guys!

Somebody has to have some maintenance controllers!!!!!"

pitiful ain't it.
Since this is a forum for fractional pilots (not just RTA/FO pilots), I'd like to hear from some of the guys at NetJets what their feeling is about the IBT. This is a much better barometer of what the IBT is doing for an actual group of fractional pilots (NetJets), and a good estimate of what they could do for another fractional pilot group.

The IBT, in general, has given me a predictablity of life. The IBT negotiated contract is a binding business agreement between management, and the pilot group. The IBT is my elected voice in my negotiated contract. Simple.

Will all people aggree. No.
Is that their right . Yes.
Thats why they hold elections.


Short answer to a huge debate.

Patiently waiting to vote on new contract.
A Netjets Pilot.
I have been at Netjets for 5 years. The IBT has done a good job. We have an industry leading scedule, vacation and sick day package, and training(3 weeks a year). Also, when NETJETS ask me to do a flight that will take me past 14 hours, even by one minute, I can, and have, said "Going to the hotel, talk to you in 10." All without the slightest fear of reprisal.

Also, our pay, being as low as it is, is actually very competive with Options or the other fractionals after year 3-4. My base salary (not with per diem or 401k adds or any of that crap) as a 5 year ioe captain is 67,000. Way low, by about half, but when I have been on the road talking to Options crews, I havent met one yet that is making significantly more with the same amount of time. Especially when the least Overtime in a year I have ever made was 13,000.

I have been impressed with the proffesional attitude and like most of the Options pilots I run into. But most think our pay is half of theirs, and I dont see how.

Also, the IBT has recently gotten back into our ranks a brother who called in too tired to fly. NETJETS got bent out of shape about it, fired him, and low and behold a few months later he is back on the road. And wearing a IBT pin I may add.

All and all, I really enjoy the protection I get from the IBT. It may not be for Options though, reading some of the posts, you may not be happy with them. If not form your own in house union for some protection.
Used to be anti union...

but now I'm not so sure. I agree that the tactics the pro union voices are using may backfire and turn many, like myself who are on the fence, away from organizing. I used to be completely anti-union but am now not sure, just wish the IBT wasn't the only choice.
Is it true that at NetJets and with the IBT, newly hired pilots don't recieve any representation for a year, but still pay dues during that period?

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