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Taking a couple years off.

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Junior Mint
Jan 8, 2003
I have an opportunity to take a job that will make me a decent chunk of change over the next couple years. I love flying more than anything and it pays an ok salary. If I chose to take a couple years off, how hard would it be to get back into it? What should I do to remain current?

I'm currently flying a lear for a small charter op in socal. I've got about 800 jet, 3300tt, 2400 pic, 900 pic turbine, but very little pic jet.

It appears that the industry is on the upswing so I'm thinking that maybe taking a couple years may not hurt me. I just don't know what it will take to get back into it when I decide to.


Time away hurts. I did that, for almost the same period of time, a couple of years. You come back completely out of currency in every respect...meaning employers are not an interested, and it's hard to pass a check or sound current in an interview. If you have a chance, do something on the side, some kind of part time flying. Anything to keep your hand in it if you plan on coming back.

The industry is at it's half way mark in the usual ten year cycle...five years from now it will be about to hit bottom again, just like it always does. You pays your dough, you takes your chances.
Five years to hit bottom from right now? Wow, that would mean we are at the top of the cycle!!! If that is the case then maybe I should start looking for another job as well. Please tell me it is not true.
But with all due respect to your thread...good luck with your decision. I cant really speak on what its like to return to the industry after a break, but I think the suggestion of trying to fly a little on the side is a good one. Also keep your contacts in the aviation world intact. Good contacts could really help when you try to get back in.

Best of luck.
What kind of work is it and how big is this chunk of change??????
Don't really need to know the $$$ but the point of my question is this;
Will this job allow you some free time to stay current????
Will you make enough coin to cover your expenses once you decide to get back into aviation. Not saying you'll start back at the bottom but none of us ever get any younger and without keeping yourself "in the field" it'll be hard to land that sweet paying gig at first.
I am curious though, what kind of work are you looking at????
Good luck either way!!!!!!!
I love flying more than anything

Whatever job it may be, you will be constantly looking up. When times get tough, you will be looking up. When it is an overcast day, you'll log on to weather and envy the others enjoying the sun at only 3000' overhead. And if the job involves travel, you'll get to enjoy slumming around with the rest of the dredges of humanity being groped by TSA, then flying cattle class with your nose pressed to the window trying to remember what it felt like to be up front.

Or maybe not.

Flying is an addiction, complete with the family and financial ruin that most addictions entail. Why make more money just to spend it on flying? It's a loss of at least a third, most likely more, due to taxes.

Whatever your choice,
Jedi Nein
I have an opportunity to take a job that will make me a decent chunk of change over the next couple years. I love flying more than anything and it pays an ok salary. If I chose to take a couple years off, how hard would it be to get back into it? What should I do to remain current?


I hope that "decent chunk of change" is over 100k. With your experience you should be making Capt. in little time and make 70-80k, first year.

I was offered a job as Construction Project Manager, 50K a year, vehicle, gas and toll way paid for, and bonuses after each project finishes on time and with a profit, that could average 10-20k more first year. With no experience I think it is pretty good. Still thinking about it do. I have been on furlough for three months now and money is running out.
I hope that "decent chunk of change" is over 100k. With your experience you should be making Capt. in little time and make 70-80k, first year.

I was offered a job as Construction Project Manager, 50K a year, vehicle, gas and toll way paid for, and bonuses after each project finishes on time and with a profit, that could average 10-20k more first year. With no experience I think it is pretty good. Still thinking about it do. I have been on furlough for three months now and money is running out.

It was, but I've decided that flying is something that I can do for the rest of my life and the job I turned down wasn't. Once the job was over, I think it would have been to difficult to get back into flying. So, although it was a tough decision to make, I think it's best.

thanks for all your advice.


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