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Switching from ground to tower?

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Dec 7, 2004
Anyone know the textbook answer to when you are to switch from ground to tower. Most airports expect you to do it on your own but most big airports will tell you when to monitor tower. Well, sometimes, at a big airport, I'll expect to be switched and never get it, and once I do, tower's calling wondering where we are.
On an arriving flight the controllers will tell you when to contact the next successive controller (approach > tower> ground) (i.e. "Turn right onto Echo taxiway and contact ground .9")

On the flip side, when you are a departing aircraft you are expected to change to the next successive frequency on your own (clearance > ground > tower -- tower will tell you when to contact approach obviously).

I haven't experienced anything other than these standard procedures.

JungleJetCA said:
Anyone know the textbook answer to when you are to switch from ground to tower. Most airports expect you to do it on your own but most big airports will tell you when to monitor tower. Well, sometimes, at a big airport, I'll expect to be switched and never get it, and once I do, tower's calling wondering where we are.

do it when you need their services. You don't need Control Tower services for taxi from the ramp to the runway, you do need it for takeoff. Arriving, you need it for landing or in the Airport Traffic Area. You don't need it 30 miles out, thats for approach. You don't need it at FL 310 either, those services are provided by ARTCC.

with that said, switch to tower when you are ready for takeoff and near the hold short line. Upon landing, taxi off the runway and then wait until given further instructions from tower (stay with me taxi to parking, contact ground, etc)
zerouniform said:
I haven't experienced anything other than these standard procedures.
You obviously haven't flown into Orlando Executive or Denver Centennial. In both cases, the standard procedure is to advise Ground when ready and not witch to Tower until told to. The ATIS broadcast at both gives you this information.

But I guess that's the point. You are right that SOP is to contact Tower when ready. If an airport uses a procedure other than standard, someone will tell you, whether it be ATIS (when the different procedure is standard for that airport) or by Ground advising you along the way.
midlifeflyer said:
You obviously haven't flown into Orlando Executive or Denver Centennial. In both cases, the standard procedure is to advise Ground when ready and not witch to Tower until told to. The ATIS broadcast at both gives you this information.

But I guess that's the point. You are right that SOP is to contact Tower when ready. If an airport uses a procedure other than standard, someone will tell you, whether it be ATIS (when the different procedure is standard for that airport) or by Ground advising you along the way.

Are you sure that you are refering to Orlando Executive?? I don't remember hearing that there, and I have flow out of there many times.

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Yep. Orlando Executive. I'm not sure to what degree it applies in practice to jet ops. Even at Centennial the typical jet will be told to "contact Tower at the hold line" while still taxiing, while the typical piston announces when run-up is complete.
JungleJetCA said:
Well, sometimes, at a big airport, I'll expect to be switched and never get it, and once I do, tower's calling wondering where we are.

If Tower's wondering where you are, you're waiting too long to make the switch.

Turbine aircraft are considered to be ready for takeoff when they reach the runway -- the tower controller pretty much expects to be able to talk to you well before you reach the hold-short line.

If you're in a takeoff queue, you should be monitoring Tower -- Ground doesn't care about you anymore after you've been put into the line-up.

Local procedurers can vary, of course.
JungleJetCA said:
Anyone know the textbook answer to when you are to switch from ground to tower. Most airports expect you to do it on your own but most big airports will tell you when to monitor tower. Well, sometimes, at a big airport, I'll expect to be switched and never get it, and once I do, tower's calling wondering where we are.

Total Amature / Rookie move. And this guy is a ERJ CA? Get a clue Tool
Well, like I asked in the above, looking for the textbook answer which I thought might be in the AIM somewhere because I was curious. I guess some of you have never run into the situation I was addressing. I'm based in IAH and they tell you when to monitor tower, sometimes once you reach the hold short sometimes half a mile away during the taxi. You don't switch to tower until you are told to. Going to unfamiliar airports, it's not written anywhere on the 10-7 or 10-9 what their procedures are. I've had F/O's try to switch to tower half a mile from the hold short on me and wanted to be able to tell them the textbook answer on why that was not correct. Really don't need a lecture from some of you since it seems you don't know the answer either.
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