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SWA still hiring for class beyond the August 18 class?

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I was called once, in early June, I think. I was told I was competitive, but later in the week I received an e-mail saying that I would not be pursued.

I have applied each time they have posted an opening, and have not been called again.

Tough to deal with HR people who have no real idea of how the industry works, and see too many jobs on a resume when some of these companies have folded.
SWA doesn't hire JUST based on experience. MUCH of the interview is spent seeing if you fit the attitude they want here. Certainly not suggesting that you have a bad/negative attitude, just that they thought others fit the mold better. Who knows.

The SWA culture is such a huge thing here they try to hire people that fit, rather than just those with a big resume.

Like I said this isn't anything against you or anyone else that was passed over, just a fact of business here. The good thing is that persistance shows that you really want to be here, even if they didn't take you the first time. I didn't get hired my first interview either.
BTW, in regards to multiple applications, you can only apply once per year, even if they post it several times. So, just in case you had applied every time it came open, if it hadn't been a year since the previous time you probably won't get a call.
Hey, SKC, thanks for your reply, esp regarding the once a year thing.

I understand what you are saying regarding the culture of SWA, and needing more than a good resume. I'm just saying that a phone interview that consists of: why did you leave this job? why did you leave that job? why did you leave that job? isn't really a check for do you fit in.

To an HR mind, having a lot of jobs on the resume is a warning sign that they may not be able to overcome. My last employer folded after 6 weeks. The one before that was merged out of existence after just over two years. Another one folded after Emery went out of business. There are a lot of jobs on my resume over the last 10 years.

Anyway, I will continue to apply, because I think Southwest is one of the best jobs going for dispatchers, along with UPS and FedEx. The rest of the pax airlines are shaky in our current environment.

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