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SWA interview question

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Sep 18, 2003
Anyone know or have heard of pilots being hired and not having references
called or is that the standard procedure? Does no calls = no job???
no calls means no job. the applicant probably did not pass the interview. and i will go one step further, having refs called at swa does not mean you are in. nor does a call to do a drug test. getting close, but not yet.
you are ONLY hired at any airline when you are in class and you have a number.
I've refered several people. They have called me for everyone they've hired except one. They have never called me for one they've turned down. There are exceptions for every rule, and someone has to be the last one they call referances on. Don't give up hope until the letter arrives and don't stop worrying until you are off of probabtion (but don't worry too much - it won't help).
I second that. I've only heard of one guy getting hired without having his references called.

It really seems as though the review board is where the rubber hits the road. I've had a LOT of friends interview at SWA. Only about 10-20% of them get hired, and all but one of them had their references called (even the ones who didn't get hired).

Would be fascinating to sit down and have a couple beers with someone who's actually sat on the review board and see what really goes on and why the big cut. It's one of those weird mysteries like Amelia Earhart or why girls like to dance so much... ;)
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All I can say is goodluck

Interviewed last Sept with refs called, but now sitting in the penalty box until Sept. Not one person was hired without refs called and many like me did not get hired with them called. As Lear 70 put it I would LUV to know the secret password or magic handshake to get intothe club.

Good Luck And I Truley Hope You Get It

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