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surviving 1st year pay?

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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2002
how does a guy survive the first year pay at a regional airline? I know some folks in some places that could possibly get an interview for me *at least a letter of recomendation.* but for the life of me I don't know how to finance the first year.

any tricks? and don't tell me the price of ramen noodles either.:confused:
Some at ASA work a second job, others live with their parents, some live in small apartments with 10 other guys, some have spouses that work, some are in the military reserves or guard, and some are independently wealthy.

If you have a family AFDC and Food Stamps are available.
VISA - Its everywhere you want to be.
surviving 1st year

What you can do is to work as a courier.
Even though you'll be responsible to pay for gas, and also wear and tear on your car, the flexibility is really good. You'll call in, they send you to pick up and deliver whatever, and if the crew scheduling calls you, you simply go, no one gets upset.
Hope it helps.
When I was a new-hire at Trans States, sitting reserve, there was a group of ~8 of us (All new-hire pilots) that worked at a golf course cutting grass. They were very flexible, we pretty much came and went as we pleased. They appreciated the reliable, intelligent (Well reliable anyway.....) help and we appreciated the job (Free Golf as well). Most golf courses have a tough time getting good help so they are always hiring. You might want to give it a shot if your in the South, or wait 'till spring if you live up North.
Substitute teaching. Most school systems are begging for subs. To qualify you need to have a pulse. Decent $$: $65/day with a degree. Stick with elementary school. No amount of $$ is worth it past 5th graders.

As an added bonus, you get a miniature fan club.

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