OMG landings took me forever!!! thats what slowed down my training but stick with it and don't give up-one day you're just like wow! i can land! its a great feeling! some tips: 1)never be slow on your airspeed. 2) look at the end of the runway when you start your flare!!!!! 3) make easy back elevator movements , when you feel the a/c sinking pull back some more!
you'll get it-just stay with it!
Arghh, yeah it's normal. Get into the mindset that the buck stops with you, i.e. don't get in the habit of having your instructor bail you out.
Less aileron when making corrections late on your final, more rudder. Ideally you won't have much to correct, but make sure if you do, you're coordinated.
Stable approaches = smooth landings. If you get flustered trying to execute your base-to-final while dialing in flaps and talking on the radio, try to break it down. Don't rush and don't think everything has to be done simultaneously.
Sight picture. Don't be looking at the numbers. Same for takeoff-- sight down to the end and you won't be overcorrecting and/or doing stuff at the wrong time.
Finally, if you need to fly a longer downwind in order to get set up on [the resulting longer] final, tell your instructor so. It gets old trying to get set up on a final that begins less than 1000' from the threshold.
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