Do yourselves the courtesy and admit defeat to a well planned and executed fallacy. Leave now and preserve your time in life for the true enjoyment you seek. There NEVER will be a shortage or mass hiring era, seeking qualified pilots or desperate measures to fill empty seats. Stop falling victim to flashy cliches created by fortunate seniors like; "Pay your dues" or subscribing to an impending qualification deficit. The industry has cleverly brainwashed each of us to believe that one day all our sacrifices will be rewarded with our career ambitions and eventually happiness will prevail from years of dedication and tolerance. The ever morphing nature of this industry will continue to "squeak by" on its current staffing levels and capacity while operational changes and regulations continue to derail your career plans as airlines, lobbyists and pilots collaborate and conflict. Do yourself and favor and STOP waiting. If you are in an enjoyable livable aviation position, congratulations, your luck in "timing" was your fortune. For all others Stop wasting your hearts souls and families to the despicable nature of this career. Is is NOT going to change. Move on and enjoy life elsewhere.
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