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Stay in freight or go frax.

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2002
Sorry for the repetitive nature of the question but just looking for some advice. 3200+TT (haven't updated the profile), 2200+ME, 1500 Jet, 1000 PIC Jet, free agent, currently flying left seat jet on-demand, clean past, have an interview with Flex. Do I get out of night freight with my goodies and record intact, or do I stay for the PIC without a pay cut ? Thanks...
I can't say from personal experience but I fly with a lot of guys who did the freight business before going to a frac. In fact a bunch of them flew Falcons out of SDF, and TOL. All of them seem to be happy with their decision. Some were forced to re-locate and at first and it was an adjustment but they all seem happy about it now. The money at first may be lacking but the the improvement in life style is worth its weight in gold. Since they all had quality time in turbo-jet aircraft, they all upgraded rapidly so the PIC issue was a moot point. I have heard there are some upgrade issues at Flex, but I'll let Flexjet pilots affirm that. I've been flying for a company that is a vendor for fractional companies for the last 2 1/2 years. Just about all aspects of what we do is identical to the fractionals except our pay-checks come from a different company. So far I love what I've been doing and I'd leave the cargo job in a heart beat. (I did it in props). So, if you want an actual schedule, fly modern equipment, and go somewhere other that YIP, DTW, ELP.......the fracs are the way to go nowdays. Good luck!
Thanks for that xrated, I appreciate your time and input.
There are lots of ex-freight guys at Flexjet, myself and most of my friends included. Our CP even has hauled boxes even. It's true that upgrades have been slow - the latest upgrades were hired Jan or Feb '00.

You have good experience, so you have a good chance of being offered a position, I'd guess. I don't think the airlines are going to be hiring much in the next few years anyway.

It's a simple decision. If you can afford to hang out on FO pay until the Captain check starts coming, and will be an asset to my company ;) , then go for it. You'll probably be much happier in the long run.

Flexjet is a great company, you'd probably enjoy it here quite a bit. Good luck either way.

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