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Special Aviation Systems

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Where'd Who Go?
Aug 15, 2002
Special Aviation Systems Inc. A mom and pop 135 cargo company based in Leipsic Ohio is looking for pilots, both PIC and SIC to fly the E-110 Bandit. There will be a ground school from July 16th through 22nd. Requirements for PIC are IFR 135 mins and for SIC you just need Commercial Multi.

About the company: The pay isn't great and the hours are rough but they put you up in a crew house for free and you'll fly about as much as you can stand.

If you're interested, and have questions you can PM me or you can e-mail your resume to the D.O. at [email protected]
Requirements for P.I.C. are 135 mins?
For a Bandit? hmmmmm.....Does their insurance company
know about that?:laugh:
Best wishes to the company, but I'll bet there are some
turbine/retractable/time in type requirements in there
Ok good point. 135 mins to start capt. training. How long the training takes depends on previous flying experience.
Not a bad place for someone with 250tt or so......ive talked with the DO, seems like a good guy. Who knows though, anyone know if there is a training contract? Im not interested, just curious.
Hope to get offer

I spoke with the Chief Pilot this past Friday and asked me to call the (DO) on Monday. Will see where that goes.


I am writing to express my interest in your newly announced first officer position.

As your company continues its amazing growth, I believe my extensive experience flying as a domestic flight instructor would benefit your company as you seek crew members for your fleet.

My qualifications include:

• Commercial Pilot: Airplane Single and Multi-Engine Land – Instrument Airplane
• Certified Flight Instructor: Airplane Single-Engine Land
• Complex, High Performance, High Altitude
• FAA-ATP 121 Written Complete: Passed / Valid
• Formal CRM, RVSM, Collins 4200 FMS and Glass Training
• USAF Aviation Physiology & Altitude Chamber, Beale AFB, CA
• FCC Restricted Radio Telephone Operator
• U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Trained & Certified
• First Class Medical: No Limitations
• USA Passport
• California State University Northridge: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Geography: Graduation December, 2004
• GIS Certificate: Geographical Information Systems (GIS), special emphasis in Cartography

Aside from my technical qualifications, I have always prided myself in working well with my peers and paying attention to the most important people at a Corporate Flight department our customers.

With your upcoming new routes and aircraft acquisitions, I believe my flying experience, career dedication, and positive attitude would be a benefit to your airline. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you in the very near future.

Personal and Customer Service Mission Statement

I posses nine of what I consider the most important qualities of a First Officer and one day Captain: initiative, high motivation, outstanding organizational skills, self-starter, integrity and good communication skills, team work, caring, and ability to conduct a program to its fullest while keeping in mind safety being first. My easy going nature and ability to get along with people would certainly contribute to my ability as a crew member and function both as a friend and a mentor.
It's easy to talk about building customer loyalty. But actually providing the exceptional customer service experience that creates loyalty is another matter. To offer that customer experience requires employees who can respond quickly and personally to customer requests, whether it's for product information, a transaction history, or changes to a pending flight. Empowered, knowledgeable employees become a company's customer service champions, and your company is working to provide the technology that helps a company grow with on time performance!

My Philosophy and Challenge of Customer Service

A company that provides great customer service can gain a competitive edge. That's because study after study shows that customers today aren't happy with the way they're treated. That in recent years the difficulty faced by retailers and others in meeting customer expectations and handling growing customer volume has led to declines in customer satisfaction in a wide range of industries, from retail to health care to travel.
When customers show up in a somewhat sour mood due to rising energy prices and the feeling that their paycheck isn't going as far as it once did. Moreover, the customer dissatisfaction has wide implications. The U.S. economy is heavily dependent on increases in consumer spending. Such increases are hard to come by when consumers become less satisfied.
It doesn't help that customers today have more choices than ever before, whether it's seeking merchants on the Internet, demanding greater customization, or wanting answers to questions around the clock with time sensitive materials.

Clearly, offering superb customer service confers enormous benefits on a company. The right technology can create a pathway to great customer service by empowering employees to fully focus on the customer rather than spending their customer contact time looking up records or asking other employees for help. With information about a customer or a company's products at their fingertips, employees can put to work their experience and desire to succeed for any company that relies on satisfied customers. And satisfied customers become what a company really needs: loyal customers. I feel that I am ready to provide your company with excellence in this department. Cause with out them your company does not make profits!


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