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Southwest hiring question

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2007
I've noticed Southwest having a lot more postings for dispatchers and assistant dispatchers over the last few months....if there's anyone who works at the company with some inside knowledge, is this a trend that's going to keep happening over the next couple of years? Are a lot of people retiring? I'm not in a position to apply now as my wife and I are about to have a baby and are going to stay close to home for at least a year or two, but it's something I'd like to keep in mind once I'm ready to move on. Any information would be appreciated.
Attrition is virtually non-existent, so new openings are totally due to growth. Growth right now is thanks to other carriers' reductions in many markets. That can only go so far.

I haven't been here that long but I can't imagine them continuing to hire 20+ per year for long unless the stock gets back to $25+ (quite a few senior guys that would probably sell and retire if that happened).
Yeah the current class had 3 people not show, so the next will likely be larger than planned.
That's baffling to me. I think SWA has to be one of the best dispatch gigs out there right now, a profitable airline with a very nice pay scale, plus travel benefits. IMO, the only comparable jobs would be with UPS or FedEx.

I'd have to stretch the budget a bit to make it until I got to the dx pay, but I would damn sure show up for class.
For clarification I believe the company knew about them prior to the start date, so it wasn't like they just skipped out at the last minute.

I won't bad mouth anyone for not taking a job (because there are certainly valid reasons), but make sure you can take the job before accepting an offer. Southwest only allows you to interview/apply for the same position once per year so two or three people that just missed out on offers this time can't even apply for the next class this fall.

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Is this going to be a trend with Southwest to have postings on the outside, or do you believe it will go back to being only insiders that will have access to the opportunities? It's definitely a place I want to consider in another 2 years once I have some more experience and I'm ready to move again....moving 4 times in a 5 year period is no fun.
The reason they started taking externals was because they weren't getting as many internals with experience as they used to. In the past you'd have a plethora of internals with past experience, well that kind of dried up. There are plenty of internals with the desire and the want-to, but just lacking experience.

So, I'm guessing they will continue to list openings externally.
Whats the starting pay for Southwest Dispatcher? Can you jump right in to dispatching or do you have to be an assistant dispatcher with them first?
I was told at my phone interview that everyone starts at the assistant rate, and you are paid that rate until qualified as a dispatcher AND there is an opening.

According to the WDFF wiki, starting pay is about 34k, that seems about right from my phone interview, but they pay a license premium and "per diem" which gets it up to about 38K equiv to start.

First year dx pay is about 45,5, which I am making at my current employer. But no travel bennies, and there is no pay scale, they say a 3% raise is average. The SW scale improves much faster than that.

Ballpark numbers as I am not sure how old the WDFF wiki numbers are.

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