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Some thoughts .....

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2004
It's late and I hear the rain falling as I lie awake stewing over my latest misadventure with my ever so nucking fantastic 135 job.......Had some feelings I needed to share.

I actually miss the drone of the Garretts in my sewer tube criss crossing the lonely dark inky skies in unison with the solitude, that was perfect harmony... I didn't know any better and life was great. Me and my Metro.... I was the perfect mushroom... thriving in the dark piled on with ********************.. didnt know any better, then someone moved me to the rat race and I wanted higher, faster, blah blah blah and somewhere I left that happiness behind. I'm still a mushroom... kept in the dark and fed a ton of poo... except this time I'm supposed to like it....lol. Ahhh I wish I could turn the clock back and find refuge in the lonely night and the drone of my ratty Metro.

Thanks for those of you who put up with my dumb thoughts .... fly safe friends and be happy as for me It will get better as tomorrow is another day.
You'll probably still feel that way for ages until the FO falls asleep on an empty night leg and you click the AP off for posterity. I bought a J-3 to make it fun again.

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