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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2002
Can anyone give some info on the plans at SKW. I have an interview with them later in the month and, I am very interested in plans that they have and the potential career path that may await.
Listening to an exec talk to various classes yesterday, it seems that SkyWest is planning growth in any number of scenarios. If United survives as a lean and mean airline, I think SkyWest will play a big part. If United goes chapter 7, I think SkyWest has commitments from other major airlines waiting in the wings for the markets and airframes. I can't think of a seat anywhere in the airline industry stadium from which I'd rather view this game than the one we have here.
good info

Great post as usual Andy. Hope to meet you in person sometime!

When is you interview? Mine is set up for the 19th. give me a PM. Where are you staying?

Also lots of good info in the older posts for SkyWest. Do a search.

the interview is scheduled for the 26th. I am just really nervous about the possibility of leaving a stable corp / 135 job for a spot that could be very open to the market with the condition of UAL. Anyone have any viewpoints?
Don't look back Hotwing!!


I left a "stable" 135/corp. MUCH higher paying job to come to Skywest a few months ago and can honestly say that I unquestionably made the right choice.

I can assure you that leaving was not an easy decision, in fact a Hawker type was dangled in front of me to stay (as was a new car). I forced myself to be honest with myself and evaluate the situation as an outsider. I developed a list of pros and cons (of both jobs), here's a few highlights..

135/corp pros: turbine pic, TIPS!!!, good pay, flying throughout the USA and Canada, weeks long trips to the Bahamas, get to fly lots of different aircraft.

Cons: After a year, pay has for all intents and purposes peaked, live by the cell phone, what schedule??? you didn't fly yeaterday, that was your day off... fly lots of different aircraft (how safe is that). single pilot after 8 hours of flying across country into southeastern thunderstorms, checkrides every other month. etc.

Skywest pros: potential! continued growth, travel benefits, crew flying, retirement, a reasonably set schedule. no waiting around fbo's for 10 hours in b.f.e. broken airplanes actually don't have to fly! travel arrangments are made for you! Don't have to deal with over-priviledged owners and spoiled charter types. A locked cockpit door (no more visits from the good doctor as you're waiting for clearance out of SMO while all of the 74's depart out of LAX)...

Cons: pay-cut, passing up the Hawker type, starting at the bottom of a seniority list, spending two months in ground, FTD, sim, and IOE. sitting reserve.

So, how do I feel now? I LOVE IT!! The pay isn't as bad as I had expected, per-diem, open time at time and a half help. had twenty people below me in my class, there have since been four classes of 30, by my 5th grade math, that's 140 below me in less than 4 months... the training was long, but thorough, went quickly and makes you feel comfortable when you do get to the airplane. I will sit reserve for all of two weeks... Not bad...

In closing, it's a tough decision, not right for everyone, but certainly right for me. I am SO glad that I chose Skywest, I don't regret the decision to come here one bit.. Best of luck in your decision...

BE20AV8R -- thanks man!

Thanks, thanks, and thanks again. You summed up what I have been going over and over in my head for the past two days! Your post was right on track and on the money! I have spoken to several people that are at SKYWEST and the all love it. I know what you mean about the 135/corp stuff and I am ready to get a life or some what of one! I sure am looking forward to the interview and meeting the people around there! I have nothing but very very positive things about everyone over there and you sound like you fit right in! Again, thanks for the post. You wrote what I have been thinking!

Hope to be putting your gear down for you soon!

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