Times are different and so is SkyWest, I think the tide is changing.
That being said, I believe many feel it is not worth ALPO. There is no trust with ALPO, as their primary concern is for the legacy types.
Tine are changing with ALPA too. There has been a concerted look at how regionals affect the brand. Cost savings aren't there like they once were either. The business model is always changing and will keep changing. ALPA hasn't really modified from the Old Way but that seems to be changing. Regionals are an integral part of the model and DO have an impact on the parent company's brand as well as the Legacy pilots jobs.
We can work together and keep jobs at mainline and have more opportunity for better paying equipment or we can keep squabbling over the scarps that fall off that plate. ALPA seems to want to cap this game and attempt to get the genie back in the bottle.
As far as SkyWest goes, I don't want to see a dime of my dues go there unless there is direct evidence of a grassroots move for it. Other than that, best of luck guys!