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Skywest Questions

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I would also like to add one more thing to Mookie's post. If during Andy's power point presentation you see something with a thin green box around it. Note it & study it. It is probably on the basic indoc & systems test. Also during class review your memory items each night before you go to sleep (You do have flash cards made up right?). The systems test is 50% memory items.

To those who have been called for the interview GO TO AMERICAN AVIATION IN SLC THE DAY BEFORE AND GET SOME SIM TIME in the ATC 810!!!:eek:

Good Luck to all!:D

1) Would it help me at this point to call up a friend of mine who is a EMB120 captain and see if he can make a call for me or walk in my resume?

I don't want to be pushy or anything and I'm sure most everyone applying has someone at Skywest pulling for them, and realize it is a numbers game at this point and am just really waiting for my turn...I'm in the pile "to be called I guess" having passed the writtens from the LAX job fair, just really want to be there this year hopefully! But should I try it while the chance for a job is there right now??

2) Also just curious, If you can tell me does Skywest use a point system among other things to evaluate potential candidates?
Like 1 point per flight hour 1.5 points for every hour of multiengine, 500 points for a letter of recommendation etc. I have heard that but it has not been confirmed.

3) Also do you have any insight into roughly how many pilots are going to be hired for this year or next? I know it is just speculation but any idea is always helpful!

Thanks for sharing so much great info with all of us hopefuls!!!!


1) PM me with names and I will do what I can. See 2)

2) I believe there are still points assigned to applications with 1 point being awarded for an hour in a C-172 doing part 91 daytime VFR ops more than a year ago to 16 points awarded for an hour as PIC of a multi-engine turboprop/jet aircraft in a crew environemnt doing part 135/121 ops in the soup in the last 90 days. Letters of recommendation from SkyWest pilots were worth 500 points each for the first three.

3) SkyWest will be training at LEAST 60 Brasilia and 30 CRJ pilots for the rest of this year. Next year, I estimate total new pilot requirements at 200-330.

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