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Skywest Questions

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Active member
May 1, 2002
Just got some fantastic news, and will be starting EMB120 class next month. Just curious what the most junior guys in the class (I'm sure I will be) typically get for a base. Also, how long would it take to (typically) get SLC? I saw from Andy Neill's post that there are going to be three classes after mine this year (mine is on 11-05). How long can I expect to sit reserve? Finally, any advice for ground school (besides study my a$$ off)? Thanks for any input!
Congratulations and will see you soon.

Recent classes have resulted in PSP and FAT domicile assignments for the most junior class members. Getting to SLC normally relies on a couple more classes coming in behind you. When those classes occur, will determine the speed of getting SLC.

Reserve levels in the Brasilia community are dropping below 20% so reserve time is dropping. I'm guessing about 6 months at the outside would be a reasonable expectation for your class. YMMV depending on domcile at the time.

Did you attned any of the Skywest job fairs. Did you go to the one in SLC? or did you have a friend walk your resume in to HR?

Also, what were you doing before your interview? Instructing, flying freight etc.?

I've been waiting and hoping for an interview for quite a while and just don't want to lose hope! I've had an application in for about a year, and went to the LAX job fair in March and and passed the writtens. I'm hoping for an interview sometime this year! :)

By the way~Congratulations!!!


I did attend the job fair in March (SLC), and I have been a flight instructor for a couple of years. It seems like (at least in my group) that there are some lower time guys getting the call. The times varied from 3500 (furloughed guy) to 1200 (freight guy). Just be patient, and your time will come. In the mean time, STUDY!
Good luck!

PS: It seems like SkyWest is poised for a good growth spurt. Maybe Andy could elaborate.
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Got the call of a lifetime yesterday. Interview on the 21st. If all goes well, anyone know how full the class is for the 5th?
Andy, I have a question for ya...

What would you guess are the age demographics for the classes you've seen recently?
To all of ya'll about to start class, good luck, and be ready for quite a ride.

Know all of the limitations and memory items cold. not just have a "working knowledge" of them, ....Rainman cold, because you won't have 5 minutes to review them during groundschool with all of the new stuff. If you don't have any turbine time, get the book "turbine Pilot flight manual" and it'll pretty much give you a good foundation to start with for class. Next, make sure you listen to andy, and pay especially good attention if you hear any "foot stomping", as something important may be about to be discussed.;) . Also, get some sleep before class starts, because it's going to be the last rest you get for a while without dreams of FFOD checks, and after take off flows.

Last bit of advice, move to wherever you are going to be based if possible. Don't expect to "get" certain bases in a few months, and life is soooooo much better without commuting.

PM me if anyone has any more specific questions.
barondriver, all I know is that there are still vacancies (as of this morning BEFORE the interviews, for the 30 Oct CRJ class and the 5 Nov Brasilia class. Don't know if that will be the case when you come through on the 21st.

VFR on top, I don't track the details of age demographics. The jet guys appear to be in their early 30's on average and the Brasilia pilots somewhat younger. We had a 52 1/2 year old come through the last Brasilia class.

Mookie: GOLDEN post!

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