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Skywest Jumpseat Agreement.....

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Mar 5, 2003
Trying to get some info on the skywest jumpseat agreement....I fly for Airnet Express (call sign Starcheck). We have a fairly decent agreement list with just about everyone except for a few of the 'Big Boys'. I was using Air Whiskey to commute to see my daughter but now Skywest has taken over the route and we can not seem to get a formal agreement set up. I continue to allow Skywest pilots to ride on my A/C whenever they need a ride and have inquired with several of them as to what gives....why we can't get a formal reciprocal agreement with Skywest but I have not had any good answers.

Any info anyone on here can give me would be GREATLY appreciated as to how to go about getting this particular agreement back???.....It has become very costly and incredibly time consuming to see my daughter.

P.S. If any one else ever needs a lift and you are not sure we have an agreement you are more than welcome to ride my A/C anytime!

Blue Skies!
As a former Starchecker that moved over to Skywest I can give you some info on this. This is what I found on the jumpseat list about Airnet: "The following is a list of airlines that are requesting reciprocal jumpseating with Skywest. However, their status is uncertain, pending further consideration from the Skywest flight operations department. These airlines are not currently on the Skywest reciprocal list and therefore, their pilots are not allowed to jumpseat on Skywest flights."

Skywest pilot are not suppose to take riders that are not on our reciprocal list. I will ask the jumpseat administrator about why we can't add you to our list, but I think he will say somthing like : they are 135 operators ,their IDs look like they are made using a personal computer, and not many people are saying we want to be able to jumpseat with Airnet. If I can give him some info about the airnet route and the availability of 2 seats in the lears mabey they will change their mind.
Gracias Contactapp.....I have actually taken the names of two of teh Skywest riders and passed them on to our jumpseat co-ordinator. And as far as badges go.....we have gone HIGH TECH baby......complete with badge only access to the CMH building....they definetely do NOT look like the cookie cutter badges of yesteryear.

I had a interview lined up in October with Skywest but I had just gotten into the Lear on the day they called to set it up....had to cancel. What do you think....good ar bad idea?

I'd Kill for a nobel peace prize!
I left in December because a lear seat was not gona happen for at least another year. Also I don't think Airnet will be able to survive the decrease in check shipments. How can they switch to become a regular cargo carrier? The lear holds only 3000 lb and you can barly fit anything through those doors. Look at the stock price it's down to $2.90.
I've still got my old U.S. Check ID from way back in late 1990, worked there until late '93. I don't think anyone wanted it back when I resigned. It's rather cheesy looking, not even as advanced as you could get from a PC print shop. But back then I had pretty good luck jumpseating with it...I used to ride Southwest, Continental, Midway, USAir, America West, Air Midwest, even SkyWest. Things were a lot more laid back.

Unfortunately the industry was a mess then as now, and turnover was extremely slow. I flew the BE-58 for three years, and even then I was many months away from the Lear FO seat. I heard that in the late '90s you could hold Lear Capt in one or two years? Amazing. I love flying the RJ for SkyWest, but there are days that I really miss my old Baron. That single-pilot freight stuff was some of the most fun I've ever had in an airplane. I guess I tend to forget the really crappy days, of which there were a few. Overall, U.S. Check was a great company to work for.

Are the hallways at CMH still covered with Ansel Adams pictures? Got so tired of seeing those during my visits to HQ. Did either of you guys ever fly Barons 1653W or 78RE?? Two of my all time favorite ships. I never really liked 26CC, it was a bit of a turd. I've even heard my old flight number passing thru SLC a few times; it's a Lear run now. Was cool to hear it on the radio.

Ok, sorry I got so nostalgic there for a minute. I'll also email our jumpseat coordinator and request that AirNet be added to the list.


hey man, check your PM file.....
I have flown allthose planes......can't recall which ones where the turds or not...I floated for 2 years in props before the jet opened up to me....as for the LJ in SLC....that is me. Or it was.....I moved there for one month and the run was moved to APA.

I had the opp. to interview at skywest the day i started in the LJ and turned it down. I am kinda bummed about that now but I I was pretty excited at the time to be in the LJ and wanted the time flying this fabulous bird.

As for the prints...yeah, most are still there. Along with that stupid bud jet hanging inverted in the lobby.

Thanks for getting an email to the jumpseat coordinator at Skywest.....any help on that is appreciated! We have agreements right now with pretty much everyone except the big fr8t haulers and all the big names NWA, UAL, DAL, CAL. I wish we could get some of these guys back after the 9-11 **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**. We still take anyone that shows up on our birds. Even if we don't have an agreement with ya we will take ya as a show of good faith to try to re-establish some of the agreements we had pre 9-11.

Skywest is abou the only regional that I can think of that is not on our list....sux

-Don't tell my mom that I fly, she thinks I play Piano in a whorehouse!

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