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Skywest Interview

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2002
I recently interviewed with Skywest and unfortunately didn't get the job. I made it through the whole day so I am assuming it was because of the personal/technical interview. I didn't get to meet with Camille and there was only one captain in the room the entire time. Has anybody out there had any luck with finding out why they were nixed? How about any good interview preps out there? I can't miss out on another opportunity like this and would love to find out what I am doing wrong. Also how likely is it that you can get hired by Skywest or anybody else for that matter after the six months are up? Any help would be great (especially from you Andy!!)
Skywest interview

I had already been studying the ATP test book for the real test, had all the mech apt questions reviewed, went to a couple of hours of sim time at one of their recommended places, read the gouges, studied my Operating Handbooks and the FAR's. I choose a interview date three weeks in advance so I would have time to prepare and studied something everyday that I thought would be pertinent. As far as I could remember I couldn't answer two questions but most of them I had a good handle on.
Looks like the prep you did should have been adequate for the interview. I imagine that just about everybody misses a question or two. Maybe the problem lies in your presentation/delivery as opposed to your knowledge. I had purchased several of the aviation interview books several years ago for my interview and had my wife pose as an interviewer. Maybe you could get someone to do the same for you. As a last resort you could pay Air Inc. or some other proffesional service for something similiar.

On the other hand you could have had a good interview, but the other candidates interviewing that day could have had better qualifications.

I'd go ahead and apply again in six months. Be persistant, get some letters of recommendation from SkyWest pilots (if you don't already have some), and get some turbine time if posible.
i interviewed recently. got shot down. i have no clue what they didnt like about me. but i think the interviewer just couldnt see himself flying four days straight with me. i will re-apply at six months. skywest is number one still.
Same boat in October

Had same deal. Aced Simulator. Only got one approach and Techs (CRJ CA's) were very pleased with my flying ability. Meshed well with a fellow freight dog on Tech Interview Board and passed all tests. Letter Post marked following morning. Only Two other Candidates were successful with all stages and offered jobs at end of the day on CRJ and other EMB. One said his sim ride was disasterous and the other had mostly Pt 91 Jet SIC with some 135. Emailed Camille to find out if I really had a chance in six months considerring I did do so well and had been studied up and very prepared. Also felt I had presented very well. I have always interviewed well and felt very confident in getting an offer. I have never heard from Camille and figure that to be a perfect answer to my question. Pretty much never plan on never working for Skywest. Lots of great friends there I let down. idonno. doesn't seem to be a rationale. Probably in today's market, they can take the cream of the crop. Seems to me, as this downturn goes. The guy you passed on last week may have been the best you will find (and need) tomorrow.

Keep the Blue over the Brown, the Cockpit is no place for a frown!

Interview feedback

For what its worth I wouldn't expect any feedback from an HR person after an interview where you didn't get the job. They make their selections and you just have to respect it and accept it. I am not saying you're not doing that, I just wouldn't be so hard on yourself or negative about your chances for ever working there. From their perspective it just can't be good to discuss with every applicant why they were not selected. They aren't in the business of giving interview advice or critiques. Still, it doesn't take away the sting and the desire to know why.

I had a similar interview (not with Skywest) and the reject letter stated plainly " Don't contact us to find out why we didn't select you " It did encourage to re-apply in 6 months. Thats what I think you should do. You got the interview in the first place, I bet you could get another one and show them how much you want to work there.

Occasionally the good candidates will slip through the cracks and not get hired. You owe it to yourself to try again.

Take care and good luck
You guy's are right. There is no rhyme or reason in this hiring time period that we're in right now. I interviewed three times this year. The first with Allegheny, then Island Air, then finally with Colgan. Allegheny was perfect in every way, passed ATP with 100%, did great on the one on one with CP, have 500 turbine in a Metro and KingAir, and passed ATP with good score.

Didn't get hired because of furloughed 121 guy who got it over me. Later got fired though.

Right now they can hire based upon a complex set of requirements that according to another HR person, they can change from interview to interview. Meaning that you can exceed all of the req's, do very well, be liked and all that, and still get the bull#$%& letter. At this point they will slice off age, education, gender, ethnicity, all sorts of stuff to find that perfect person.

I currently have LOR's in Skywest, PSA, MESA, and fly for a 135 in a 414. If United goes bad and in the direction of Chapter 11, more pilots will be hounding the regionals, and they will continue to raise the bar. Good luck to us all, and for those that are flying the RJ's be VERY GLAD you have that job. Bin Ladens boys continue to kick us in the aviation balls.


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