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SkyWest CRJ900?????????

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Living The Dream??
Dec 2, 2001
In the lastest AOPA Flight Training magazine (January 2003) is an article titled 'What's goin' on?' This article mentions a NEW CRJ900 SkyWest received in September. This article was written by a Wayne Phillips. Any thoughts?

I know this was mentioned in another thread, but the poster didnt not reveal his/her source.
Let's make this multiple choice:

a) SkyWest painted it flat black and is flying it out of CVG.
b) It's really just four -200's and a -100 flying REAL close formation.
c) Wayne Phillips is contending for least credible source standing.
No really. It's true.

I saw it parked on the ramp at the new Multi-Carrier DCI crew base in Honolulu. It was parked right next to the 12 new ASA Airbus 319s and 10 Comair CRJ 1400s.

I went and checked it out after I read about them in another of Phillips' articles.
you all are something else. i just pointed out something PRINTED in a magazine and wanted some REAL input. i am fully aware SKYWEST does not have any equipment like that and hopefully everyone else in the freeworld. it was just VERY ODD to see something like that in AOPA publication. everything else in the article seems true except for the 'dodo' SkyWest is suppose to have.
Jet, take it easy. All we are doing is poking fun at the industry pundits who like to litter magazines and industry rags with little tidbits that they like to peddle as fact. Often they have no basis in reality. If they do contain factual information, they are terribly mis-stated.

All it takes to prove the point is watch news coverage of an airline accident of incident. It is often comical how terribly clueless the media is when they try to meddle in the aviation arena.

See the post on the main board about the recent article on Wellstone's crash. It is a wondelfull example of a supposed expert's innane commentary on the accident.

No one was taking a dig at you. We were hacking on Phillips. At least that is what I was doing.
To shed just a small amount of light on your post...

It is possible that Skywest could eventually be getting 900's. However, at this time there have been no deliveries of those aircraft. The launch customer for the CRJ-900 is Mesa Airlines which takes delivery the first quarter of 2003.

Hope that helps!
hey, maybe the previous post about UAL talking to some other regionals is correct. Maybe Mesa is actually flying that 900 in UAL connection colors to bring them good luck on getting a contract...........<----just joking around here.....that 900 is pretty nice, though from what I understand from the pilot stand point there is no difference from the 700. I have heard other rumors about other regionals getting the 900....but, we all know how those go.......
It will happen in time

The COO of SkyWest has indicated this year that they lean more toward getting the 90 seater when the scope is relaxed or ignored. The reasoning being they get almost 50% more capacity and would only have to pay the pilots probably 10-20% more. Plus they get more use out of the 2nd flight attendant. The last thing he mentioned was the senior Captains also become more productive as they really don't like having to pay $70-96 hr to fly a 50 seater.

So take it with a grain of salt and we shall all see how SkyWest weathers this United mess.

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