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Skywest Cancellations

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New member
Feb 27, 2003
I was hired by Skywest and placed in a Mar. 3 class date. It got cancelled and so did the Mar. 31 class date. I'm curious to know if this happened to anyone else or if anyone knows the reason for the cancellations or when the next class will be.
Class delays

I posted this on an earlier thread, but I'll do so again as it is something to think about:

The original thought I had on the class cancellations was that management suddenly realized that, due to a lack in IOE captains (many transitioned to the CRJ recently what with all the new jet domiciles), they were burning $30-40,000 per month having new-hires sit around 2-4 weeks awaiting IOE, not to mention new captains upgrading etc. Delaying a month would allow IOE to catch up with the newhires and give them a chance to run through a new checkairman class that has been cancelled many times due to lack of time.

I have also recently heard that they slighlty overestimated the number of EMB pilots they thought would transition and the need for replacements has slowed, although certainly not stopped. Even though a few more EMB's are being retired, I keep seeing shiny new CRJs popping up at the gates.

I deadheaded on one yesterday and it did indeed have that "new jet smell."

FURTHERMORE: Just got word that the new dates for the EMB are 3/31 & 4/28, although both are tentative due to malfunctioning crystal ball as regards future of UAL and the resultant inability to see the future...
It appears from a statement posted by the SkyWest COO (R.R.) today that additional code share opportunities that were in the works so far as the EMB was concerned seem to have temporarily stalled. I believe he mentioned in a company release that he didn't see more EMB flying materializing for a few more months, this co-enciding with when EMB classes are slated to resume. The reason sited for additional code shares slowing down is the desire of the Majors to scale back or prepare to scale back total flying (mainline and code share) should a war with Iraq break out in the near future.

My class date has not been canned as of yet. I am in the 03-31-03 class. I have not received any word of the class being cancelled. I just got a finger print card via FEDEX yesterday...
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so they are paying you for the month?

I mean, I take it you quit a job to take this job and then they cancelled the class date on you? So now they are going to pay you for the month or two or nine, that it takes to set the next class?

If not, it would suck big time to quit a job to take a job, that gets postponed like that. Will they re-emburse you for that lost time on the training contract or give you time off for good behaviour?
I had the finger print card sent from Skywest and the same day, got the call that the March 3rd and 31st classes were cxld! Oh, well...hope things get back to normal, what ever that may be? Weffy

When were you guys notified of the class being canned? I got the card Wed. I have not been notified of this... Were you in the 120 or the jet?

hanging in there in Texas

I knew it! SKW ***** all again....
But aren't you happy about being in that position?
Hey that's Skywest not just an airline! You are about to have a
major airline job. They will change the name to Skyworld!!!
Soon you will fly Skywest 777 to europe! puhahaha~~~
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I was hired by another regional in Dec for a Jan class date. At the time I was flying 50 hours a month for a 135 company and working another job that paid real well and had full benefits. I quit both to go to work for this company was given 6 days notice that my groundschool was postponed for who knows how long. Now, I did manage to get my freight job back, but I was basically put at the bottom of the seniority list and fly when they need me. I did lose my good paying job and now do not have medical benefits and can't afford to buy them back. Was I mad? I was furious, but what can I do. Yes, it screwed a lot of things up for me and I am still a little pi$$ed, but I am patient and will wait for the class, I am trying to get an interview someday with Skywest. I went to the open houses last year and have a recommendation letter, but I think the open house thing by now is a lost cause. I will have to earn an interview a different way now.

I basically got my first feel of what this industry is all about. I did get screwed, but I am not the first and certainly not the last. I think the most important thing I learned about aviation is that there are no guarantees at all.

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