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Skyway/Midwest Connect

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Feb 28, 2003
My first post on flightinfo...

...is not going to be an altogether happy one. To anyone out there who is considering flying for Midwest Connect, the airline formerly known as Skyway, I say to you - STAY the *ell away.

You might want to toss Midwest Express/Midwest Airlines in there too, because quite honestly, if things keep going at this rate, both will be GONE real soon. As in Vanguard-type gone or National gone.

Bitter? Yes, a little - but honestly. We furloughed 10 (all of whom were furloughed after the 11th, recalled and then now) F/O's and downgraded some captains...all on the 1900 of course. Convenient that it works out for the company that the bottom 30 or so guys are all on the 1900...

We have 328jets that break _all the time_ -- I don't know if other 328 operators have the same trouble - ACA seems to like theirs, but I cannot tell you how many JA calls have come as the result of broken doink-jets. No offense meant to any of the doorknob drivers out there - but they break. Often.

Company is going to increase the 328jet flying, taking over some MidEx and Beech 1900 routes. But they break all the time...hmmm...this makes sense how?

We've stopped all meal service as of April 1st, and we're entering the ridiculous "low cost carrier" market with 5 MD-80's. Personally, I think the company sees the lines for Apple Vacations and FunJet and says "hmm...look at how full those planes are...maybe we can...yeah." You get the idea. Without meals, wine, newspapers, or anything -- are you going to tell me that people are going to pay through the NOSE to fly MidEx/Skyway simply because our people are supposed to be nice and we offer 2 across seats? Give me a BREAK. We have _no_ inflight entertainment, save the awful Midwest Magazine that, 90% of the time has the crossword already filled out.

Alright - this is getting counterproductive. Pardon my venting - but there was a point to this at the beginning. If you are furloughed, in the pool or whatever at Skyway, forget it. Go somewhere else and be THANKFUL you did. We have horrible managers, the managers hate the pilots and vice versa, our holding company can change our revenue sharing agreement to make us profitable or not month to month, our order for the 25 EMB-145's is on permanent deferral - my guess, we'll eat the down payment and they will NEVER get here...a lot of people have been hanging on waiting for these jets and keep getting disappointed. Run, while you can - captains are, F/O's are, and people within the company are.

The Milwaukee paper ran an article that said MidEx is down to its last 30 million in cash - and brokerage firms said we should have declared bankruptcy a year ago...

Again, I hate to start my intro. to flightinfo with such a negative post, but if you forgive the bitterness, this is all true. Hopefully I can steer a few people AWAY from this hole and towards different airlines.

Wow. I feel much better now :)

Pancho V
I second all that that is why I left back in September. Good luck all!

PM me and Let me know who you really are Pancho.
pancho villa....asta las vista?

a US company called Avcraft bought the assets, and type cert from fairchild dornier for the 328 jet. spares production should pick up soon and they say they have orders for a 100 jets and a forecast for 500 over time.

this can be read at www.ainonline.com

as for venting, we all do it from time to time.

good luck, mate
do you know an austrailian guy and his wife that fly for skyway? or do they still? used to work for comair...

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