Does anyone know anything about Skyway Enterprises out of Kissimmee, FL? Hireing mins, pay, schedule, bases? I couldn't find a website on them so I checked on airliners and saw pictures of their planes out in CA as well as up in GA.
i teach across the field from skyways the chief is ron graef they are looking for type rated capts. if you pay for a dc 9 type rating you could start as a fo in the dc 9 pay is nothing 1200 a month even for the dc 9
I beg to differ with jocolo. He might want to recheck his information. First of all I've been with Skyway over 2yrs now. We're always looking for type rated people in the Shorts, DC-9 and Lear. As it is with 135 operators we have a high turn over, pre 9-11 it was with the F/O's using it as an experience builder/stepping stone to the regional carriers. In recent times we've had a harder time keeping qualified Captains around. As far as jocolo's comment about buying a 9 type rating and flying as a F/O, forget about it. Unfortunately there are enough qualified people with plenty of experience on the street right now, it makes no sense to put someone with zero experience in the seat when you can fill it with someone with experience. Again I'll have to differ with his take on the salary structure, $1200 a month is for a Shorts F/O not a DC-9 F/O. Both the 9 and Lear F/O's make more, how much, I'm not exactely sure.... but believe me they do.
On to your other questions. Bases, we're both a schedueld and unschedueld operator. In each of our sched locations we have a single crew who will fly that particular route. The unsched or ad hac side of things is alot more freelance. You could start one week in El Paso TX, then the following week in Yipsilanti MI, it all depends on where the airplane happens to be Monday morning. This leads into schedules, the ad hac guys start Monday morning at 8am, they're living the life of the pager until Sat at 8am, its not the best of lifestyles but with the amount of flying they're doing it certainly makes up for it. The scheduled guys fly whatever is determined by the contract, you're flying to the same places at the same times each day, essentially mon-fri, although on some of the routes you start monday night and finish sat morning. Hiring minimums depend on a few factors. The most crutial of which is your timing and location. If you happen to live in one of our bases and a few minutes prior to your calling we've lost someone there, don't be surprised to find yourself sitting in that seat very shortly. In my time here I've scene more than my fair share of 250hr F/O's all because of either timing or knowing someone who will put a word in for you at the right time. I don't mean to be vague about your question, but thats the best answer I can give you. Send in a resume and follow it up with phone calls every once in a while.... you never know Good luck.
turning2 don't mean to offend you but my info is only 3 days old right now they are not lloking for fo but probably will in the next month due to some slackers fo and capts even tough i dont work there i got an insider at their flight following office and yes 10k for FO's in the DC-9 the reason they are looking for type rate capts for the lears and short is because with so many qualified pilots on the street they are not willing to upgrade anyone at the moment. They have two FO's on the DC 9 and yes they paid for it 10K ask them they'll tell ya .........That might explain why they almost ran out of runway in kissimmee last month...............
I'm sorry but this has got to be one of the funniest things I've heard. You have an "insider" in our flight following department, could that be Omar whose been there all of a week? Wow, your info is only 3 days old. I spoke with Ron yesturday morning.
I've been here over 2yrs, we are ALWAYS looking for type rated captains on the shorts and lear. Granted, there are qualified people on the street right now, in that you are correct, but have they stuck around? Nope, they've moved onto other things they deemed were better. That pool of Shorts typed people is slowly dwindling. To further my point I know countless people who have been hired when we weren't looking for any F/O's, myself included. They then paid for my type and I upgraded when they were advertising for captains. So tell me, where do you get off telling people otherwise??!!!
The intention of my post is to make people aware of the fact that just because you "hear" someone isn't hiring does not make it the case, not just here, but anywhere. Each job I've ever had in aviation has been when the company was apparently not hiring. Guess what, they were. You have nothing to loose by trying.
Your comment on the 9 almost running of the runway is absolutely obsered!!! Yes they landed long, however at no point was it a problem. You're statement about the 9 pay is also WRONG!!!! You think this is why they landed long???? Guess again, you might wanna explain to the company DO/Pres that he should give himself a raise then... he was at the controls!!!!
Do us all a favor and get your facts right before you post them here. The only way your facts will be correct is from the inside of the company... not the outside!!
Hey i hope you feel better now... about the 9 lan=ding looooong guess what ? I saw it with my own eyes .... but hey listen no trouble intended i hope you have a happy and long career at skagway oops skyways
Turning2, thanks for the info. What is the maintance like at skyway? What is the fleet size now? Any plans for expansion? Also, how is the health of the company over all? Is there any one in particular I should talk to up there? Thanks.
Oh now I get it. Its not that we're not hiring, its just that we're not hiring you. A little bitter perhaps? Your attitude certainly won't get you very far in this market.
Did the 9 go off the runway? Nope. Was there an accident or incident? Nope. So what's the big deal, it landed long, who hasn't. Are you gonna try and tell me you?? LOL. But guess what, its a lot harder putting a DC9 on a 6000' strip then the pipers you're flying.
A little free advice, it helps to know the name of the company you apply to and how to spell it, .... "SkyWay" there's no "s" at the end.
Hey Flight_Line, the maintenance is typical of what you'd find in a 135 operation. In my time here I've never flown an airplane I've been uncomfortable with. Whenever I've had a problem that needs to be fixed it gets fixed. With that being said priority isn't given to repairing the creature comforts (cockpit fans etc)... those have to wait for plane to go in for scheduled maintenance before getting fixed. I honestly don't know the current fleet size, we're close to 20 shorts though, plus 2 lear 23's (one is inop however) and the DC-9. Wouldn't now about expansion, those cards are kept close at hand by management... but there are always rumblings, none which are negative right now Health of the company is good, we didn't lay anyone off after 9-11. Since the beginning of the year the ad hac stuff has been very busy. 30+hr weeks haven't been uncommon.
Turning2 sounds to me you are the bitter one ...I am glad that you have a job in this tough times but dont make it sound like aviator haven.....tell me how many of your pilots have left because bad working condition or better more, mechanics??/........ but hey what do i know , right ?
Hey a fun and enjoy, no harm intended if you don't like my opinion or comment sue me
Good Day!
You have no idea who I am or where I've been, this is NOT my first job in aviation. I've flown for better companies, and I've flown for worse companies. What I've always said is that it is just like any other 135 company, in some ways better, in some ways not!!! Where have I stated that this is the place everybody needs to be?? I haven't, what I have done is encourage people who are in need of employment to give it a shot, they have nothing to lose. Multi-Turbine SIC time in a certified 2 crew Part 25 aircraft with low total time isn't too bad an option, particularily in this market. Its a stepping stone for many, I have no intention of making this a career, and as a matter of fact Ron would probably slap me upside the head if I did
People leaving because of poor working conditions?? Guess again. The #1 reason people have left is because they've received better offers elsewhere, and who can blame them. These people you keep referring to as leaving are all highly experienced pilots, many of whom have come to us after 9-11, its quite a drastic change when you're accustomed to a 121 or nice corporte lifestyle and you end up as a 135 freight dog. I myself would leave right now if the proper situation arose, but it would have to be a REAL good offer with no lateral movement for me to make that decision, chances of which are highly unlikely. So in the meantime I'm happy with where I am. I have a lot of friends who are on furlough now and I understand how lucky I am.
Hey Nosewheel.... yes it is a Tom L company, my guess is you have a few stories to tell
Yeh.. he and I go back to YIP when he had a small operation with a couple of Lears and some trainers. I was his chief of mx. He treated me well and we became good freinds. He was also somewhat instrumental in my getting my PPL. Its been all downhill since ( just kidding) Ive had a very exciting flying career since starting out in YIP. Flew for just about everyone on the field and yes, I could tell some amazing stories but I dont want to get arrested just now( nothing to do with skyways). I saw Tom in MIA several years ago on 36th St. but only had a few minutes to talk. If you see him in your travels tell him I said Hi.
Can't be to many guys running around the bussiness with that name. Would that be a man previously with Projet that went to North West Air Link to argue with an instructor and loose his F/O slot?
Golly, I've been sending something to Skyway for several months. I have over 3000 Hours PIC in Learjets and I'm a former Freigh Dog. In fact, Skyway used to subcontract for the company I flew freight for out of YIP. Still I've not heard anything. Maybe I should just drive over to ISM and give my resume' to someone. Guess I'll keep trying.
Well, Well, im glad to see your still alive Jess...... Ain't had enough of Loumankin yet? I shure hope he didn't promise you the 9 too!
I am a former Captain at Sky Way, or maybe I should say survivor! Its not such a bad company if your on a scheduled run and you don't have to deal with Management! Working conditions are what you would expect from any on-demand cargo outfit. No worse or no better, but about equal to Ameristar/ USA Jet. The pay sucks for Shorts F/O's, but is pretty good for Captains. I know nothing about the 9, the were just getting it going when I left. Just be ready to sit on your rump for a few weeks, then fly your butt off on a moments notice. From what I hear, the 9 is flying quite a bit nowdays!
Sky Way's scheduled runs are some of the worse ive seen for an airplane that size. The flight times seem to be short, with the duty times long. Until someone figures out how to bid competitively, that's how its gonna stay. All the Captain's there that have had past flying jobs seem to be unhappy there. Although, for some of them, Sky Way is the last stop!(which would make me unhappy too!)
One word of advise for anybody that works there is to CYA on everything. Cause if you get in trouble with the fuzz, Loumankin will NOT back you if it means his a$$.
Sky Way is a good place for those that want to build transport catagory airplane time and move on. You can upgrade with about 2000 hours, but I don't think a Shorts type is worth a 24 month contract(DC-9 MAYBE...). Since they pee'd FSI off, company funded Shorts types are gonna be hard to come by....
The management at SKZ operates on a 1978 mentality level. They still think they can bid high, treat their crews so/so, and everybody will be happy they have a flying job. Even with the industry as it is, people want somwhere they enjoy flying. The Cheif Pilot is a good guy, and I still think alot of him. I can't say so much for the owner, my words for him are inapproate for this forum.
The Shorts is a really great airplane, and I miss flying it. I would not tell anybody to pass a job with Sky Way, but I also wouldn't recomend it to anybody. Moral of the story, go there at your own risk
So tell me Steve, if you don't think the shorts is worth a 24month contract why did you sign one????
I don't see the same problem with the sched runs that you do. The shorts is a unique airplane, it is not suited for long haul (too slow), its optimum usage comes from moving large volumes of freight short distances (200-300NM). Typically we've taken over runs that outgrew smaller aircraft, either a beech99, 1900, 2 caravans, or a metro. If volume outgrows us, you're bound to find a direct link to the hub with a jet, not a feeder aircraft. Just a thought. I understand what you're getting at, I just happen to disagree. I've personally flown the majority of our sched routes at some time or another. If you're referring to the short trip between RNO-SMF that we do, it is because of reliability issues with trucks going over Donner Pass, not to mention weather this time of year. Shoot, the Capt there now is has happy as can be, he doesn't need the flt time, he just wants to work as little as possible and still be paid. It doesn't hurt him either that he happens to sell real estate during the day in Reno. :
CYA--- You bring up a valid point. Again I know what you're getting at, but are you trying to suggest that you only have to CYA here and no where else? Shoot, no matter where I'm at I'm gonna CYA, this company or anywhere else it isn't any different . I personally prioritize things in this way 1. My life 2. My certificates 3. My Job. I'd gladly give up #3 to keep the first #2, I'm not about to give up #2 for #3 and I sure as heck can't give up #1 for #3.. you get the idea.
Yes, there are changes that need to be made here, and they are happening, albeit slowly. I've been here 2 1/2yrs and there is a marked improvement from when I first started. Quite frankly the mentality you speak of stems from over 20yrs as a successful lear operation... but a small operation at that. Recently (2yrs) we've more than quadrupled in size, or course there are going to be growing pains associated. Some companies are better equipped/prepared to deal with that sort of drastic change. Unfortunately we were not... but, through everything our heads have been above float, we haven't had to lay anyone off, and the paychecks not only always clear, but they arrive on time. That has to say at least something of the way the show is run. We're not the most efficient, but we're learning.
I've had no promises of the 9, furthermore there has been no inquiry or interest on my part. I'm too content with my present quality of life. Flying over 65hrs a month, working 4hrs a day while being paid the same salary as every other captain here. Able to get 8hrs of sleep each night, yes at night not during the day, however I do wish it were at home. That being said I am at home for 10hrs a day during which time I'm working towards my degree, and I'm off for 2 1/2 days on the weekend, without having to commute.... honestly couldn't ask for anything more at this point, but that’s just me.
Man your smart for a Canadian! When I seen C-46 in your profile I KNEW it was you!!
Why did I sign a two-year contract for the Shorts??!?! First, and formost, I never said or implied the Shorts was a bad airplane. Nomatter what I fly it will always be one of my favorites...
Back to the question....Why?!?
The answer is...
1) I was 20 years old with an offer to get a type and fly PIC in a transport catagory airplane
2) I couldn't survive another month on F/O's pay
3) Back to the 20 years old part, I really didn't know any better than to sign a WAY too long contract
4) in 14 months of flying I got 1100 hours PIC in the airplane, with alot of international flying. I call that not bad....
Anywho, thats why I signed a two-year contract. Not the worst decision of my life, but its definatly a contender! Atleast here at my new employer, ill get typed in two airplanes and not have to sign any contract. Now that's how it should be
Check your PM's, I wrote alot more in there......
P.S. Tell Sam I said hello! Not everybody can say they was my F/O during all that 9/11 mess, stuck in Marion VA. Does he carry clothes with him on every trip now?!?
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