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Shuttle America Training Date

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Sep 5, 2002
Hey Everybody!
Finally got the call for Shuttle America! I have been doing the back stroke since May! I was starting to get a cramp. So there is hope even though the pool at times feels like an ocean. Don't lose faith!

Congrats on your new job... What is Shuttle America? Where are they based? what do they fly?

I must admit that I know nothing. They have been busy moving their base from Bradley, CT. to Ft. Wayne, Indiana over the past 2 or 3 months so things have been really dynamic. They were at capacity for awhile but now they are beginning to work on expanding with more planes and pilots. I don't know if the pool is full enough for their current plans but their plans today will change tomorrow so be patient and it will work out. They are a small and quickly growing company and therefore things change rapidly. Best of luck!
Just discovered after checking my e-mail that there is an Oct. 14th class date, and they are looking to bring on 14 pilots. Somehow I doubt the pool is that deep, or we wouldn't have been notified.

They weight internal recommendations VERY heavily, so if you know someone in the company well enough to supply you with a letter, that certainly can't hurt.

Good luck to all who are going to apply.
For anyone in this thread who got a "call" from Shutte America, I'd love to know some more details. I received a "letter of employment" from them in June. I've been "swimming" ever since. When I call them (I haven't called them for about 2 weeks) they just tell me that they are working on "the move" and they have no idea of when the next class date is. I must admit that I'm rather pissed at being jerked around, but I suppose it is no worse than any other company? Why can't companies just be straightforward with us???? If I had had any indication that I was going to have to wait for over 4 months I probably would have looked elsewhere. Oh well, I suppose I should not bitch, I at least have the "letter of employment"...beggars should not be choosers!
I'm new to this site, and I must say I'm impressed. Thanks to all of you who make posts. Cheers.
shuttle America class date postponed??

I am so frustrated with Shuttle America. I called them the other day and reminded them that I have been "swimming" since June. They told me that they had been meaning to call me and that there was a class on October 14th. So all is fine, a little disorganized, but hey, I have a class date and I'm good to go, Right???
NO!! THey just called me this morning to say that the class date had been "postponed"...and that they had no idea when the date would be. This is VERY strange since yesterday they just interviewed a bunch of people.....and then they pull the rug out from under me.
Is it at all possible you think that they are just reneging (sp?) on my letter of employment?? I'd hate to think that they just interviewed a bunch of people with tons of hours or something and they would pull my offer of employment? I'd like to be optimistic and just say that they are waiting a bit for their next class???
Any ideas? "So close and yet so far" does not even begin to describe how I feel..
my email is "[email protected]" if you want to email me.
Shuttle America Class Date

Well, I just got the same notice. Class is postponed untill... I don't know. I already gave notice to my company, they already have my replacement waiting. I already gave up my crash pad in St. Louis. Tell me that this is a joke. So close yet so far... Yeah, well said. If anybody has any words of wisdom I could use them about now. I mean, being furloughed is one thing but this is another altogether. I know that this is the way it is in aviation, but we have been on hold for so long, I was really excited about moving forward already.:eek: So that's the deal. It isn't personal if that helps at all. Were all in the same boat.
WOW..I thought I had it bad. I have simply been unemployed for the last SEVERAL months, waiting in good faith for "the call" so right now its just about the same "limbo" for me. It sucks, but it REALLY sux for you. I totally don't understand this, but at least it isn't anything "personal" it seems it is just that they are waiting for some reason??? I am going to do what I should have been doing since June when I got the "we'll call you"lettter..start doing an AGRESSIVE job search! I can't afford to take their word anymore that they will call.

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