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Should I quit??

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2003
Hey sad stories for sad times...

On Dec 2000, I got myself a reckless driving on my record.(Great) It is non-alcoholic related and my driver license was never suspended. In the other side I found out that reckless driving is a misdeminor.

So here is my question. I have about 500 hours turboprop and I've been waiting for time to pass before I apply to any regionals. But how much time is enough. Maybe I already screw up and its time to move on to something else.

You guys on the regionals might know some about this. Thanks for the info!
I'm not in hiring but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Expres last night.

I would say apply away. You never know if something will indeed be an impediment until you try. Would it be better if it wasn't on your record? of course. Will that one thing alone prevent you from getting a job at a major some day? No, I doubt it. Airlines generally are looking for what you learned from an experience, e.g. I learned that even driving a car is a big resposibility and have been a safer driver from that day on and it really drove home how important a job I have flying people around, etc. We all have had stuff that we wished didn't happen, learned something, moved on.

That being said, in today's hiring environment, probably the average successful applicant has a cleaner history than 2 years ago but 3 years from now if the industry has turned around they may be back hiring anyone with mins that hasn't had a murder conviction in the last 2 years. (at least that is what it seemed like about 3 years ago when most guys were getting multiple offers from majors)

If you really want to fly for a career, I wouldn't let one reckless driving dissuade you. If you are so so about it, then clean record or not, maybe you ought to find a career you are passionate about. I had a friend get hired at American with 3 pages of driving record, mostly speeding tickets going back to high school. First question they asked him was what kind of car did he drive. He basically ended up saying that he used to speed too much but since then has gotten more responsible, blah blah. Then the interviewer looked down and said, but your last ticket was 6 months ago, my friend replied that he learned really recently. Hired. That was during the boom years though, but still, if it isn't DUI, then I wouldn't get too worked up about it. Always disclose it if asked and don't lie but it is only a ticket.
Apply, what do you have to loose?

I know someone who is working at a major who probably has done worse. He went out drinking, got S*#t-faced, drove home drunk, fell aslept at the wheel, crashed through someones house, and as a result got thrown out of the military where he was a pilot. He then went and instructed at major flight school, then to a regional, and is now employed at a major airline.
I don't think you should worry about it! Thats the part I am really trying to watch as I go through college and on my way to the cockpit.

I live in AK, and driving 10 over the limit is normal, went to Washington last fall and drove for 1 mile (14 over) and had a tropper on my tail, got me 3 points. :(

Some guys just have that driving fever, I think I am one of them, in my Bimmer! :)

Anyways good luck!
Scube3 said:
Hey sad stories for sad times...

On Dec 2000, I got myself a reckless driving on my record.(Great) It is non-alcoholic related and my driver license was never suspended. In the other side I found out that reckless driving is a misdeminor.

So here is my question. I have about 500 hours turboprop and I've been waiting for time to pass before I apply to any regionals. But how much time is enough. Maybe I already screw up and its time to move on to something else.

You guys on the regionals might know some about this. Thanks for the info!

Dude, dont even sweat it. If its a Class b Miss. then you can get it annuled and expunged in a year. If its a class A(doubt it) then it takes 3 years. Once it is expunged you dont even have to report it. EXCEPTION. If the company your aplying for asked for your medical application that might raise questions. You did report it on your medical right? Anyway, you sould be fine as far as the background check.
Mckpickle is right

Man forget it don't sweat it! I had like 5 of those things.( reckless divings) did not effect me any. They do not show up on your NDR.Thats all most places care about(Regionals). By the time you move on to a major it will be long gone as long as you keep your nose clean.
Re: Mckpickle is right

Dash 4 cash said:
Man forget it don't sweat it! I had like 5 of those things.( reckless divings) did not effect me any. They do not show up on your NDR.Thats all most places care about(Regionals). By the time you move on to a major it will be long gone as long as you keep your nose clean.

I wouldn't worry about 1 conviction. The only answer in your interview is that you made a mistake, paid the price and learned from it. Be responsible about it and I doubt you will have a problem.
Thanks, for your replies.

My big concern is that if I apply right now and get rejected, I'll probably decrease my chances in getting a job with that particular company.
In the other hand if I wait to Jan 2004, it will have a clean record over three years and maybe, after crossing the three year barrier, I can get a better chance.

Also in climbto350, I've been checking some cargo jobs and one of the minimums to qualify for the position is no misdeaminors within the past 7 years.

I didn't know about sponging a "b" type but I definetly gonna look on that.

Thanks for the info.

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