The major airline I non rev on searches you if you list yourself S/A less than 24 hours before that flight I always know when I am gonna get it. The worst part is by the time you finally get on no overhead space
The TSA changed it's mind a few months ago. Crew members in Uniform CAN be selected for random searches. In thier eyes we are no longer any diffrent than any other pax. This comes for a TSA Directive sitting in front of me. I get searched all the time when jumpseating, and I do think it is a waste of time, but I don't think we should be telling everyone on a public board how to get around it. This is something that should be talked about on the ALPA board.
I believe ALPA published a 8 page directive on the random searching of flight crew members. It includes what "may" be done and what YOU can do and NOT do (or say).
Basically what some others have already mentioned are the basic's...
I have non-rev'd and jumpseated on several airlines, generally in uniform and have never been randomed. Airways, Delta, NWA, Airtran, SWA are just a few.
I do know Airways has a policy if you are in uniform you are EXEMPT for random regardless of what the boarding pass states.
NWA to beat the random as a non-rev you must list more than 24 hours otherwise your guaranteed to get randomed.
Airtran, usually the gate agent get's me cleared before issuing a boarding pass and I go right on-board.
The "rule of thumb" is suppose to be anyone who purchases a ticket ( rev, non-rev) within 24 hours of a flight. Most airlines follow that rule of thumb but some go slightly beyond to what extent I do not know. I read or heard somewhere the other rule of thumb is a percentage of the passengers IF there are none under the time frame, up to 15% rings a bell, but I am not 100% sure.
XJAVRO you must be looking at an old SD (Security Directive). The current one is numbered and ends with 10J. If you are still getting selected for a random search and you are in uniform with proper ID, the airline is going beyond what TSA requires. Some air carriers select their non-rev and commuting people on purpose. They'd rather piss off their own people traveling free than someone that paid for the flight.
To see a copy of the security directives ask your security coordinator. Sometimes GSC's (ground security coordinators) may have a copy also.
Watch your uniforms, flight bags, and ID's, they are still being stolen. (It wouldn't hurt to check multiple ID's of jumpseaters, maybe ask them who did their medical or when it expires)
All you have to do is get to know some of the "rampers" or anyone else with access to the ramp of the airport. They can get you in and out with no problem, and they never search your bags or the cars that you ride in...
How else do you think flight attendants somehow manage to obtain the scissors needed to open boxes of food on the plane? Or even just their own nail files?
You just need to have a few people you know that can drive it on the airport for you and then run it up the jetbridge at the plane.
I've seen it done and I've done it myself...Its easier than it sounds
At some airports you do need a jumpseat form to get through security even if you are in uniform. This is true at airports where there are different security locations for different gate areas. For instance in MCO my Continental ID will not get me to the Southwest gates because the Continental gates are on the other side of the airport and have a different security area.
like a lot of you i also non-rev/jump in uniform and it seems to make things a heck of a lot easier. i still get randomed on occasion at the gate. when i have asked why, was told that when the random checkpoint no longer has any people at it being searched they just take the next person. so, i try as much as possible to keep a close eye on how the search is going. if it looks like they are finishing a person up and i run the risk of being searched i act like i'm busy with my bag or something and let a couple of people through ahead of me. works every time.
i jump on swa a lot and list myself frequently less than 24hrs in advance and i've never been nabbed. however, an agent clued me in to the fact that i should always list myself for a round-trip whether i'm going on it or not. since i've applied this tactic i've never been flagged.
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