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seaborne airlines

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Keep us posted on what you find, I myself would love to button things up 'round here and head on down to the islands and enjoy flying. Working on a plan as we speak...

An old buddy I used to work with is currently on furlough with seaborne, supposed to have things back up and running full speed by summer. He mentioned some management issues they were having. I didnt see it, but apparently there was an article a few issues ago in AOPA mag featuring seaborne. In the recent issue, the CP of the operation wrote an editorial thing saying they were swamped with applicants, I guess in the attempt to stop some of the flood of non-qualified app's coming in. His comments said something like, 1500TT, ATP or Comm with MEL-SEA, trying to find people to stay with seaborne for the long run, that St.croix isnt for everyone, smalllll island, 26 miles by 6 miles (something like that), certain foods you want are hard to find, high cost of living, etc.
Nobody is on furlough at Seaborne, maybe 5-7 years ago they did that. They are hiring and they will always hiring because it isn't easy living down there.
I did it for almost three years and had a great time.
They are always looking for float people and this is the hardest thing, I meet a lot of twin otter guys with tons of hours but they wouldn't cut the water part. It is a different world flying floats.
For the interview:
Go down there hang around for a week and talk to everybody you bump into on the street. Go to the brewpub and talk to the locals Incl pilots & mechanics)
I cant immagine that they are doing real airline interview right now but as long as you fit into the livestile and have some time under your belt they will hire you eventually.
Good luck to everyone, nice place to hang around for a while, but only for a WHILE !!!!!!

see ya

I cant explain the furlough thing, I wouldnt see why my buddy would lie to me that he is furloghed? He's got a house down there, spends half of his time there, half in the states, charter boat captain on the side, etc. Do you still currently work there? He just explained to me they were having some sort of management trouble and would be back up to speed soon. Just the messenger, thats all.
Seaborne has the same problems than any other small airline in the states. The Management has changed in the last 3 years a couple of times.

No I don't work there anymore but I have a lot of contact with the guys down there.

Fact is there is, nobody is on furlough they can't get enough experienced seaplane captains. If your buddy has experience they would hire him right away.There are plenty of SIC down there and plenty of applications on the desc of the DO and CP but getting qualified Captains isn't easy. There are a lot of canadians out there with tons of seaplane time but they can't work due to the fact that it is a US territory. I was the only foreigner in my three years down there ( as you probably figured out by my spelling quality) with a green card.
Anyway, Seaborne is a nice place to hang out for a while.
Have fun
* cost of is living pretty high
* crime
* dirty beaches
* unfriendly locals
I used to live in the tropics for around 15 years and honestly have to say St. Croix was the worst place to hang out.
But flying floats is still the one of the best jobs in aviation
have fun
Living in the VI

I flew helos out of St. Thomas for 14 months. The flying around the islands is fantastic. Clknodl is correct, the islands are not for everyone. St. Croix is much bigger than St. Thomas so you are not quite as confined.

The British Virgin Islands are great and the locals are not so uptight. The US Govt. welfare system has ruined the W. Indies culture on the US side IMHO.

I did get to know a few locals are historically they are great people, but there are too many locals who have big time attitudes. Some of this can be prevented by learning their culture, but not eliminated by any means.

One of the important lessons that I learned is that the West Indians have a formal culture like Latin America. If you do not know someone, DO NOT speak to them in the "familiar." This means greet a non-friend with "good morning" or "good afternoon," but never "hi," "hello," or "hay." This is the easiest way to insult someone there.


Fantastic climate
Great flying
Beautiful scenery
Great water recreation - diving, swimming, skiing, boating
Other nearby islands to visit and explore
Jump-seat bennies (I assume still true)
Rum cheaper than water
Tight aviation community
Happy hour
File only federal tax return


Cost of living similar to Hawaii or maybe S. Florida
Local schools suck big time! Must send kids to private school.
Crime problems
Island Fever
Limited shopping - learn to love K-Mart - better shopping in Puerto Rico
Government employees less than honest - many at least
Government is third world
Difficult to get homeowner's insurance - hurricane alley - may have improved
Getting a local driver's license is like getting a doctorate - takes about 5 trips to the DMV from hell, plus a full medical examination. What a joke!
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I used to live there. The only place you might find a more corrupt government is Africa. Everything is expensive, hurricane insurance cost is about as much as your mortgage, power bill is astronomical. But it's beautiful down there and fun to hang out for a time.

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