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Apr 16, 2004
Just curious: what's the benefit of these 7/7 (or 8/6) schedules? Is it just because so many have to travel to their first leg? And when you're on these schedules, are you typically flying the same plane for the entire trip?

8 and 7 for us.

At options we have an 8 days on, 7 off schedule. You are flown to your aircraft on the first day of your 8 and home on your last. Usually you might fly a leg or two on the first day if the airplane is pretty close to your domicile, but more often you'll just go to the hotel after airlining to where the plane is.

Most of the aircraft are on a rotation where you'll fly different aircraft each week (some types still have crews that are dedicated to a single tailnumber like the challengers and falcons) but you'll usually stick to a single airplane for the whole 8 days. Occasionally if your plane goes down for a phase or some other long maintenance procedure they will put you on another one coming out of the facility and you'll finish your tour on that one.

On day eight you'll probably only do a trip or two and then airline home. Sometimes you don't do any and are on the first airline home so you get home pretty early. That means that usually even on a busy week you only have 6 full days of flying. Also since policy is that you always get 12 hours of rest from last landing to first takeoff, you have plenty of rest during the tour too. Between tours you are home for a full 7 days twice a month, not too shabby. Also, until you upgrade or change equipment, your schedule isn't going to change unless you put a request in so you can plot your 8 and 7 all the way around the calender a couple times if you want. I already know for example that if I don't go to a different airplane (when training might alter your schedule) whether or not I'll be working christmas '04 or 05, or 06, etc. That's nice.
wile, how you liking life at flops?
do they just assign you your deadhead flights? or do they give you any options? I know a few of our guys are interviewing there so i'm hoping that hiring is picking up and i can get them to help me out to get there as well, heard mostly good things about flops (and the live at home basing is the biggest bonus of it all)

the 7n7 is a little different because it's 7n7 and it's bid quarterly. We have two schedules for the 7n7 tuesday starts (senior) and sunday starts (junior).

Since these are biddable lines you can work it if your senior enough so that during the quarter changeover you can get 2 weeks off.

We also have the 17 day schedule (guy choose this because 7 is to long away from home) or the flex schedule. (think being on call all the time)

7 gone is a long time but 7 home is a pretty sweat deal. You usually airline to the airplane and home on your first and last day. They usually try and sneak a leg in there but don't allways because if the airline is delayed they are screwed.

Depending on your gateway you might just pick the plane up or fly it home. PBI during the winter chances are there is a plane there for you and you'll probably take one back.

You might spend the whole tour in the same airplane but I doubt it. Planes get swapped in the middle of the night. Some weeks you'll sit with a broken airplane all week and some they just have you jump in another one. I've had both.

We do have a 10hr rest period. (i'm glad to see flops get's 12) but that rest period is from half hour after landing (or if you have mx or a long ride to the hotel stuff like that) to an hour before you are supposed to leave. (called your show time)

Hope this helps
To clarify our duty cycle at Flt Ops, the goal for our schedulers is 12 hrs from first wheels up to last wheels down. We plan for a 1 hour show and a 1 hour postflight. If you add this up, it is a 14 hour day. Our schedulers are well polished in their craft, and are very good at giving you consistent 12 and 12's (or 14 hour days with 10 hours rest, if you want to look at it that way).

A 1 hour post flight might seem like a lot of time to some people. There are times when we can be in the hotel an hour after landing, sometimes not. I crew a large cabin airplane, and that hour can be used up pretty quickly if you have a trashed cabin, a need to restock, and / or maintenance issues to deal with.

Day 8 can suck, especially if it has been a busy line. I've been briefed the night before for early airlines to go home, only to end up flying and working a 15+ hour day by the time I reached my domicile.

On day 8, they have 16 hours to get you home, based on the airline wheels down time at your domicile. They can also take you past midnight, up to 3 a.m. to meet this cutoff. I've collected overtime on a 16+ hour day 8 once. It was a long day.

After flying corporate for many, many years and basically being available 24-7, having ANY schedule is wonderful. In my opinion, 7-7 would be awesome with a Tuesday start, but would suck big time with a Sunday start. 8 days on is a long time, but the natural change of weeks on due to the schedule rotation helps to keep it fresh (for me, anyway).

BTW - the other aspects of the job are great. I work with great people, see different places (usually) every rotation, and fly great airplanes. Sure, any job can be better. But to anyone wanting to fly turbine equipment with a schedule frac flying is a great way to go. Flt Ops is a great place to work. I'm sure NJ, FJ and CS are also.
Re: 8 and 7 for us.

WileE said:
[Bon day eight you'll probably only do a trip or two and then airline home. Sometimes you don't do any and are on the first airline home so you get home pretty early.

Not me!! I always have those 15hr 45 duty days on day 8. 15 min short of getting overtime. They will run you into the ground.
I try to make the 8 days shorter by...

going to MLB games in all the different cities when I can. We end occasionally in time to make it to the ball park and sometimes might even be on maintenance in a city where I can make it to a stadium. I am trying to get them all checked off of my list - about halfway there so far.
Re: I try to make the 8 days shorter by...

Hobbes said:
going to MLB games in all the different cities when I can. We end occasionally in time to make it to the ball park and sometimes might even be on maintenance in a city where I can make it to a stadium. I am trying to get them all checked off of my list - about halfway there so far.

I checked out a rangers/A's game last week in DFW while in training. I spent 5.00 on a ticket and 10.00 bucks to park! At least simuflite has sort of a casual schedule for to have done this. Have you been to Pac Bell Park in San Fran yet? I'm dying to see a game there.

Last year I was sitting with a broke airplane in Ft. Lauderdale. While enjoying a nice basket of Hooters wings and beautiful scenenary, the manager came up and offered us free tickets to a spring pre-season game between the Dodgers and Orioles.

That was a good day.
I'm very happy at flops

to answer Dash8's question. I have no desire to work anywhere else. Of course things can always change for the worse at any company, but so far so good.

Some tours your karma is better than others, no doubt that's just the way it goes. So far it's been about even between ending early on the last day, getting home late and getting home somewhere in between.

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