A line captain with newly minted ATP was removed from the line recently and placed into remedial training after "jumpseater" reports to CP that "Captain" is unsafe. Airman is removed from assigned line and given said training. Management accomodated the public safety by assigning a foreign pilot (w/o type or ATP) to the right seat to "monitor" captain's performance and provide feedback to company; despite the fact that his company ID said in big bold capital letters: NO COCKPIT ACCESS! My question is...how does a VP of Flight Operations justify this action. If, according the VP, all jumpseaters are pax, what would happen if this pilot decided to land zero/zero? Puts the "jumpseater in a pretty awkward spot wouldn't ya' say? Reminds me of an old scottish proverb...hear nowt, say nowt, see nowt. Gives me a warm fuzzy just thinking about it...yeah right. Screw your haead on tighter Stu and get with reality. Out.