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SATSAir Interview

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Active member
Jan 23, 2005
Does anyone have any info on SATSAir's interview process? I have an upcoming interview and was wondering what to expect.

Any help would be appreciated.

Does anyone have any info on SATSAir's interview process? I have an upcoming interview and was wondering what to expect.

Any help would be appreciated.

Maybe you should do a SEARCH on here for previous SATSAir Threads & posts,then have a couple of drinks and then decide if you want to go any further with these people.Take a week or two to mull it over!!!

Ask yourself, if you really want to fly SE-piston pounders in a PT.135 operation?
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..or you could do a SEARCH for G-Force's posts and realise that he is a complete raving loon.

As for SATSair's interview...you can expect them the stress that you will fly a lot right now, and that flexibility really is the name of the game. The CP is a really great guy, so dont expect any kind of confrontational interview. They just want to make sure you are comfortable with all weather (most weather) SE ops, and that you are customer focused.

If you are OK with the base options, and comfy with SE IFR ops in a really nice aircraft, and can be professional with the customers, you can expect a good interview experience.

Rumors abound of a new, higher pay structure coming in the near future too.

BTW-where did you fly the Jetstream?
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Good Advice

..or you could do a SEARCH for G-Force's posts and realise that he is a complete raving loon.

As for SATSair's interview...you can expect them the stress that you will fly a lot right now, and that flexibility really is the name of the game. The CP is a really great guy, so dont expect any kind of confrontational interview. They just want to make sure you are comfortable with all weather (most weather) SE ops, and that you are customer focused.

If you are OK with the base options, and comfy with SE IFR ops in a really nice aircraft, and can be professional with the customers, you can expect a good interview experience.

Rumors abound of a new, higher pay structure coming in the near future too.

BTW-where did you fly the Jetstream?

Hey Dude,I just call 'em the way I see'em.nothing more ,nothing less!!If you dont'like it ,take a HIKE!!!
And therein lies the problem. You call what YOU see, your opinion, and completely ignore the input of others, or verifiable facts. You take your opinion and spout it as gospel then get all torqued off is someone refutes your narrow, biased, and universally negative opinions.

A little something else for Flysafe-right now a lot of pilots are flying a lot, including long duty days. BUT the company will back you up if you feel it is time to call fatigued, and an honest effort is made to spread the workload around, and all of your days off are golden. You will NEVER be called on your last day and told you are being extended. You MIGHT occasionally be called to see if you would LIKE to work an overtime day, but the word "no" is a powerful one at SATS, and you will not be pressured AT ALL if you just use it.

From what I understand the current interview process really stresses that youcan expect long days and a lot of overnights right now.

This situation will improve as more pilots come online, and froma business standpoint it is a better problem than having a pilot group sitting at home wondering how long they will have jobs.

Thanks for the information on current company issues as well as what to expect during the interview.


If I hadn't thought about flying SE 135, I wouldn't have scheduled an interview, but thanks for your concern.
Own Experience


Thanks for the information on current company issues as well as what to expect during the interview.


If I hadn't thought about flying SE 135, I wouldn't have scheduled an interview, but thanks for your concern.

Hey flysafe,all I can do is tell you is about my DEALINGS with these people.These so-called mgmt persons all flunked mgmt 101,201,301,and 401 in college, including personnel mgmt,they are in my opinion, total failures as mgrs,but hey if you don't want to listen to someone whose had dealings with these people,then go ahead,work for them,but don't say that you were not WARNED!!!
Remember the old adage,"fore-warned is fore-armed".
Good luck,dude!!!
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you forgot the course titles G-Force

Mgt 101 - How to supervise dummies
201 - ridding the company of cancers
301 - what to do when your employee is a big mouth jerk
401 - how to fire somebody so they don't go postal and come back and kill everybody.

personnel mgt - " managing idiot pilots who can't fly, think they know everything, and have crappy attitudes.

i guess they took incompletes on these, but they got right with you.

drink some koolaid "G"
Management Experience

Mgt 101 - How to supervise dummies
201 - ridding the company of cancers
301 - what to do when your employee is a big mouth jerk
401 - how to fire somebody so they don't go postal and come back and kill everybody.

personnel mgt - " managing idiot pilots who can't fly, think they know everything, and have crappy attitudes.

i guess they took incompletes on these, but they got right with you.

drink some koolaid "G"
If you would have ran a profitable 135 charter operation in the past.Maybe you would not have to degrade other pilots on this site.Line guys rule!

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