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safest fractional?

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2002
i'm tired of hearing fractional owners who say their fractional has safer and better trained pilots than the other. Flox, FLOPS, EJA, citation shares all have excellent training and most all of it is at FSI except FLOPS and simuflite right? The training at all the fractionals are good right? Does any one fractional stand out?
i'm tired of hearing fractional owners who say their fractional has safer and better trained pilots than the other.
Me too! When I go out to dinner with all the owners I know, that is all they talk about.

You have got to be kidding me. When you are sitting around in the airline terminal, fractional owners just come up to you and spark a conversation about how safe their fractional is? I'm not buying your post dude, seems like an instigation to me.
dont kid yourself.

fractional customers care about one thing - the cost.

safety is assumed - as it SHOULD be.

interesting that this discussion goes this way. I would ask anyone to call marquis or netjet and act like a potential owner and see what the entire sales pitch centers around.
"our pilots are the safest and best in the industry"

"dont even look at FLEX or FO cuz they dont get the same amount of training"

"we always uses 2pilots per plane ans they are all captain qualified" (i know every frac does, but these potential owner dont know this)

"this kind of excellence costs money, and you get what you pay for"

I talked with a couple last night getting my opinion and they were totally blown away by the marquis salesman thinking that they were the only operation that actually uses 2 pilots and they are both typed. I explained that this wasnt the case and they are all very safe, but they didnt buy it for a sec.

they guy they talked to with marquis really impressed them and they said that safety was their number one concern and the guy ran with it.
They're salesmen.

They will probably say just about anything to get their commissions, which can be quite a lot if I'm not mistaken.
Actually, by days of training alone, Netjets does at least 18 days a year. We do a full Flightsafety recurrent every 6 months, for captains and fo's(6days). Also,5 days of company recurent (FARS, safety issues, TSA, Mountain and Cold weather ops) once a year, and a 299 route check once a year. Total 18 days.

As far as I know, the other fracs do recurrent traing once a year, and have no such thing as company recurrents. Correct me if im wrong. The Marquise salesmen can truthfully say Netjets pilots have more trainging per year than any other fractional.

What does everyone else do?
Sounds exactly the same as Flops.

Except the recurrent us only annual for the SIC's.

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