I think it's reasonable to say that anything fun entails risk. All you can do is train properly and approach every flight you take professionally. If the fear of something "bad" happening outweighs the enjoyment that flying brings you, then you will never be able to truly appreciate the freedom of flight. Airlines achieve their great safety numbers through rigid, standardized training and procedures. They don't get to stop by many pancake breakfast fly-ins, though.
There was a Neil Young song that included the lyric, "it's better to burn out, than it is to rust..". I think about that sometimes, when people ask me the question about flying being dangerous. Appreciate being able to fly ! It's supposed to be a gift, not a burden.
There was a Neil Young song that included the lyric, "it's better to burn out, than it is to rust..". I think about that sometimes, when people ask me the question about flying being dangerous. Appreciate being able to fly ! It's supposed to be a gift, not a burden.