so the saab got brought up on another thread and i was just curious since the two aircraft are similar, are the 120's being run under part 135 or part 121? if 135 is it weight restricted or what?
In DFW they will be starting operations under 135 and are supposed to switch to 121 later. My understanding is that they are restricted to 7500# under 135 and can increase to 8000# under 121. The first one is on property and just waiting for the customer OK to start operations.
ok, that explains it. i was being told both ways; that there was no way to get an ammendment to the weight restriction, and that it could in fact be done.
but then again, to get the 121 authorization all for another 500 pounds dosent sound like it would be worth the hassle to me...hmmmm.
AMF has been "working" on that 121 letter for 3 plus years, why don't just buy one is beyond me. O, now I remember, they (AMF) know more then all others.
there are a few cargo companies that have thrown about the possible use of the 340's, and it was brought up on another thread how it would be worthless to use them since they would have to be part 121. i was asking amf because the E120 is very similar inasmuch as weights go and was curious as to if they had ever gotten their 121 certificate as mentioned above
Yeah, I have seen a couple ads looking for 340 pilots recently. One was in MI and another in Puerto Rico. Sounds like start-ups looking for guys with time in type.
On another angle... I had heard years ago, like in '97 when I worked the ramp for Mesaba that they were trying to start cargo flying in some of their 340's I hadn't heard anything in the past 5 years more about it and had put it out of my mind. But now with the problems mesaba and nwa are having with each other, will we see more saab freighters?
I think a stripped out saab would weigh in at around 17,000 BOW add 2700 lbs of jet A and that'll get you 2 hours range and reserve. Assuming they would use older and cheaper "A" models with a MTOW of 28,000 they could bid runs up to 8,300 pounds.
yea, that weight sounds about right. we were told just shy of 9,000 for a stripped A model. apparently the holders of the note for all the saabs that are being de-commissioned from the regionals are anxious to get them back online somewhere. ive heard the saab freighter rumor from 3 different geographical locations around the country, so apprently its being pondered. the only problem is, as of right now, theres only ONE in the world configured for cargo that they are showing off as a demo model, complete with glossy pamphlet and all
Well you guys can have all of our worn out POS A models! <grin>
rumor has it that our first 3 go off lease at the end of this month. If I get furloughed when they leave maybe your company can find it in their heart to hire me
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