I am pissed that the RPC will be mailing unsolicited mailings to my unlisted home address. I am not a member of your organization, and I did not provide you with my mailing address, so keep your solicitations away from me.
Don't be fooled, this is exactly what we have now, not seperate but equal. SEPERATE BUT SEPERATE! This RPC Unity fool is quoting an airline CEO who calls this concept revolutionary. A CEO, being quoted in a union election, REALLY?
Ask Trans States Airlines if seperate is better? Compass and GoJet think so, but then again, those guys are the ones geting the upgrades, while the TSA guys are left to wither away, or apply to their own holding company for a job with a chance of upgrade, after starting over. Sound familiar? BTW, FAPA arranged that little gem, for you, a chance to fly the big bad bus.
After talking with several pilots in both groups it seems very obvious that FAPA has convinced their own membership, and is trying to convince the IBTs that seperate is better.
They use examples like AAG. Ask an Alaska pilot how they feel, knowing that under their new contract, ANYTHING can be outsourced to Horizon. I did, and the answer was "insecure, but confident, that AAG management would never outsource their Mainline." I don't know their management, but I know ours.
Management supports the RPC concept, they are trying to push their agenda of remaining seperate by telling the IBT that the 190s will be moved over to F9, and they will be hiring off the street for them. They are trying to break support for IBT. It only takes a few defectors and FAPA/RPC will have won. They will keep us seperate, and force their agenda on us. The SLI is meaningless until we are working under one contract. IBT will amalgamate, and provide you with the representation you need against hostile airline management. The time for lovey dovey is over.
Keep them out, tell FAPA/RPC no. The "Anything under 120,000lbs should be outsourced" concept is dead. We don't have to reign in scope, we have scope!!!
IBT357, One List, One Voice, One Contract! Cast your vote for True Unity!
Don't be fooled, this is exactly what we have now, not seperate but equal. SEPERATE BUT SEPERATE! This RPC Unity fool is quoting an airline CEO who calls this concept revolutionary. A CEO, being quoted in a union election, REALLY?
Ask Trans States Airlines if seperate is better? Compass and GoJet think so, but then again, those guys are the ones geting the upgrades, while the TSA guys are left to wither away, or apply to their own holding company for a job with a chance of upgrade, after starting over. Sound familiar? BTW, FAPA arranged that little gem, for you, a chance to fly the big bad bus.
After talking with several pilots in both groups it seems very obvious that FAPA has convinced their own membership, and is trying to convince the IBTs that seperate is better.
They use examples like AAG. Ask an Alaska pilot how they feel, knowing that under their new contract, ANYTHING can be outsourced to Horizon. I did, and the answer was "insecure, but confident, that AAG management would never outsource their Mainline." I don't know their management, but I know ours.
Management supports the RPC concept, they are trying to push their agenda of remaining seperate by telling the IBT that the 190s will be moved over to F9, and they will be hiring off the street for them. They are trying to break support for IBT. It only takes a few defectors and FAPA/RPC will have won. They will keep us seperate, and force their agenda on us. The SLI is meaningless until we are working under one contract. IBT will amalgamate, and provide you with the representation you need against hostile airline management. The time for lovey dovey is over.
Keep them out, tell FAPA/RPC no. The "Anything under 120,000lbs should be outsourced" concept is dead. We don't have to reign in scope, we have scope!!!
IBT357, One List, One Voice, One Contract! Cast your vote for True Unity!